
Sunday 19 March 2017

A Healthy Mummy Update!

Some of you may have read my post from last week about my ongoing ill health, living in chronic pain and how it was ruining my life as well as my husband's and toddler's. I made a pledge to myself to change my ways and this week has marked the start of that!

I've cut out a lot, well pretty much all, junk and cut back on a lot of refined sugar. So no sugary cereals (my fave) and back to sweetener in my tea! I've also knocked coffee on the head!

Bowl filled with banana, yogurt and porridge oats

Thursday 16 March 2017

No Sew Draught Excluder

Just over a week ago I posted about our return to Ikea and the Live Lagom project. I was excited to meet the new participants and to see Kerry, the Ikea leader, and Juliette, another former participant, again.

The activity was all about cosy homes and as part of that we made draught excluders. Kerry had pre-warned me to take a fabric, needles and thread but I was a bit concerned as my hand sewing is a bit, well, shit to be honest!!!

Luckily Kerry showed us a no sewing option, which worked really well, so both myself and Juliette gave that one a try and now as promised I'm sharing how to do it with you!

You will need
  • Tape measure
  • Chalk or a pen to mark your fabric
  • Scissors or pinking shears
  • Fabric
  • Toy or pillow stuffing  
Fabric, ruler, scissors, tape and tailors chalk

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week is an old favourite of Josephs and one that he would watch constantly around his 2nd birthday. It's this week's number one favourite but is actually a sequel. It's Shrek 2!

Tuesday 14 March 2017


The last few weeks have been spent cutting down on Joseph's sweet treats and unhealthy snacks. I'm keen though to not get stuck in a rut with the same old offerings, so I was super excited when the folks over at ChewyMoon asked me to give their subscription snacks a try.

ChewyMoon logo

Book of the week!

This week's book of the week is Elmer and the Wind.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Why I'm Changing My Ways

Health-wise I haven't been right since having Joseph in 2014. After a traumatic birth and a lot of stitches I slowly started to get back to normal or so I thought. At a check up I mentioned to my GP that I'd experienced some stiffening in my joints. She assured me it was nothing to worry about but unfortunately this wasn't the case. 

As the stiffness and joint problems spread over my body it was was joined by fatigue. I was told repeatedly it was nothing to worry about and sent on my way. When my husband had to help me get dressed I decided enough was enough and demanded something be done. This time  I saw a GP who understood and was committed to helping me. After multiple tests and a hospital referral it was discovered that an extreme lack of vitamin D had left me with muscle weakness and a softening of the bones (Osteomalacia) and there was a possibility I also had Fibromyalgia. I was given vitamins and sent on my way. The GP helping me left for another practice.

Emoji with a sick face mask

Thursday 9 March 2017

Surviving the supermarket with a toddler!

When my now two year old was a baby I used to feel sick at the thought of going to the supermarket. I'd be the Mum sweating all the way round the shop from the fear that the baby would wake and worst of all cry.

Now I wish it was as simple as timing a trip to avoid a feed because taking a toddler shopping is a whole different ball game. It takes preparation, bribes and a bit of courage but it is doable.

Here's my tips for surviving the supermarket with a toddler!

Redheaded toddler wearing oversized sunglasses whilst sitting in a supermarket trolley

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week isn't a long one. Movie that is, not the review! At half an hour long its a good one for quiet time and it will be very familiar to many of you.

This week's movie of the week is...............We're Going on a Bear Hunt! 

Why playing in the garden has become our go to activity!

Joseph is fast becoming what many call a 'typical boy'. Shouting, running, bashing, jumping and being a ginger hurricane takes up most of the day. With six nieces it came as a bit of a shock to the system, not just for us but for our family too. 

As he's got more and more active I've been trying to get out more. Overcoming the Mummy anxiety and getting out into the world. Whether it be a trip round a supermarket, meeting friends or a walk round the park with my brother's wife and their dog, we both enjoy getting out more.

A little boy walking in whilst in a winter hat and coat whilst wearing reins

Monday 6 March 2017

Book of the week!

This week's book of the week is The Smartest Giant in Town.

LiveLagom - The journey continues!

Sunday morning was spent revisiting the Ikea Live Lagom project as I was invited along to take part in another workshop, along with the new participants and a few familiar faces.

We had a brief visit into the main store and I was excited to see some of the new room displays. Now, I realise this might be a bit sad to some and yes, I possibly need to get out more, but I love to wander round the rooms. It gives me so many ideas to try at home. I also discovered when taking part on the project last year that each room has a story behind it. There is a profile behind each room layout, whether it be a student, a couple, family or a single person. Each scenario is budgeted so the room will feature items within that budget, with wages, mortgages and rent all taken into consideration! There was me think they just did the room set ups to look nice!

After looking at a very Lagom room we headed into the meeting room where there was refreshments on offer. Our amazing leader, Kerry, did a presentation around the theme of making a cosy home. With that in mind we set about the mornings activity. Making draught excluders!

An Ikea staff member doing a presentation  An Ikea staff member doing a presentation

Sunday 5 March 2017

Wafer Moments with Kiddylicious

Those of you that have read my recent posts will know we have been trying to eat a little more healthy and avoid giving the ginger hurricane naughty snacks.

Kiddylicious sent us a fab box of treats that Joseph absolutely loved, to the point that he now asks for them over other snacks and sweet treats. Parenting Win!! Last time I told you about the sweet alternatives we were sent but this time I want to tell you about what was in our other Kiddylicious care package. 

Not only was there treats for Mummy in the shape of a mug, tea, nail file set and a varnish, there was also a selection of their wafers.

A selection of kiddylicious snacks

Thursday 2 March 2017

World Book Day - Making Joseph's Costume!

Last year for World Book Day I made part of Joseph's outfit. Equipped with my first sewing machine and off cuts of our curtains from the Ikea Live Lagom project, I used Pinterest and YouTube to design and make him a waistcoat.

I teamed it with his usual trousers and a flat cap and granddad neck style tshirt that I'd picked up for a couple of pounds in the Matalan sale. I also made a chimney sweep brush from paper and an empty kitchen role and transformed him into The Sweep from Mary Poppins.

A red haired little boy dressed as a sweep

Charity Spotlight - Marie Curie and the Great Daffodil Appeal!

March is the month that brings signs of spring as lambs, blossom and daffodils fill the country. When you're out and about this month you may spot a few more daffodils in the shape of the Marie Curie fundraisers as March brings their Great Daffodil Appeal.

Daffodil bunting, with a jug of daffodils and a tiered cake stand filled with cakes

Tuesday 28 February 2017

World Book Day - Costumes to buy!

World Book Day is just days away, so its time to be creative and make costumes! But what if you don't have the time, the creativeness or frankly don't want to? 

Pile of children's books with a kids cup and straw on top of them

Sunday 26 February 2017

Competition - Win with Dylon

Have you read my previous posts about Dylon? Did you see us get Pancake Day ready? Or maybe you saw us bring a new brightness to our muggies?

Fancy giving it a try? Well now you can!

Three types of Dylon dye with a chalkboard with the words WIN written on it

Friday 24 February 2017

Snack healthy with Kiddylicious!

My little boy is two years old and he loves snacks and treats! He'll point at our snack cupboard repeatedly through the day and say "please Mumma, please, I get bowl".

Red haired toddler holding a small orange plastic bowl

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Movie of the week!

Babs is a bit robot obsessed lately and when he spotted this week's movie of the week on the Sky planner there was lots of "me, me, robot please" and we've now watched it frequently over the last week.

It's a Disney and Pixar classic and it's this week's movie of the week. It's WALL-E.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Getting ready for Pancake Day with Dylon!

Shrove Tuesday. Pancakes, syrup, oranges, lemons, chocolate spread and more pancakes. It's easy to get caught up in a stack of pancakes and what to have with them! But what if you want to try something different?

Something a bit crafty?? Something that's not completely food related??

Regular readers will know that my little boy, Joseph, loves to bake and cook so I decided to get us prepared for Pancake Day and future kitchen activities by getting him an apron! But it was a bit plain and the chef's hat we had was a bit battered and had seen better days.

Little boy smiling whilst dressed as a chef

Book of the week!

With so much going on at home Joseph has spent the time we've had with his toys, running round, being boisterous and well, just being a boy, so the reading of books has been a rarity. When it has happened though the books have been the same as Joseph, noisy! 

So, this week's book of the week is Noisy Pirates!

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week is a little familiar as it also happens to be our book of the week! Yep, it's The Gruffalo

Gruffalo movie cover

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Is it time to ditch the pushchair?

My little boy is a charming and cheeky two year old.  He’s inquisitive and can be adventurous when the mood takes him. He occasionally has the standard toddler meltdown, although I’m grateful these rarely take place in public. So far there’s been very few throwing himself on the floor, kicking his legs, drawing attention to himself, and in turn me, incidents.

The main cause for that though is not that he’s a complete angel or that I’ve got parenting sussed. It’s because there’s a knight in shining armour or shall we say on wheels? A secure chariot. His pushchair.

Little boy sitting in a pushchair, playing with an oven mitt and laughing

Monday 6 February 2017

Sunday 5 February 2017

Charity Spotlight - The Children's Society

Created over a century ago, The Children's Society, campaigns for a country where children can be free from poverty. Running projects in local communities, they help children and young people that are vulnerable, living in poverty, suffering abuse or neglect and simply have nowhere else to turn.

The Children's Society logo

Saturday 4 February 2017

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Heart Tarts

It's time for another craft but this time I thought I'd give you a cheap and cheerful baking idea. So, here we go........

A plate full of jam tarts with heart tops

Movie of the week!

A grown up (well nearly) movie of the week this time!! On a day off we managed to get the DIY done quicker than expected and with the monkey at nursery we slotted in a date to the cinema. The actual cinema! 

Star Wars has been a long favourite of hubs and he introduced me to it as Attack of the Clones was released. Back then we binged watched them before heading to the cinema and have seen each one since, and repeatedly. We had planned to see The Force Awakens at the cinema but as many parents will know going to the cinema or out at all becomes something of a military operation! So, we ended up waiting until it was shown on Sky Movies.

We were keen to see Rogue One at the cinema so when the opportunity arose we made sure we did. 

I am so happy we got the chance to see it as it was bloody ace! So ace it's my movie of the week!

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Book of the week!

There are lots of books about Mummies. Mummy animals, Mummy Pig and us human mummies all feature heavily in baby and toddler books.

The more Joseph became a bookworm, the more I realised we had plenty of Mummy books but not any Daddy books! So, when I spotted I love my daddy in our local WH Smith I bought it straight away and gifted it to my husband as part of his Father's Day present from Joseph.

"A book about Daddies" he exclaimed when he opened it. He and Joseph read it lots that week and it's become a favourite again recently. That's why this week's book of the week is I love my daddy.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Chopsticks Challenge

Here's a great little activity for you to try and its ideal for Chinese New Year. It's very simple, cheap and easy to do!

A selection of bowls filled with different items and little hand using chopsticks, trying  to pick them up

Thursday 26 January 2017

Fred's Box

Created by Mum Clare, Fred's Box, is a unique gifting service that offers one off and three, six and twelve month subscriptions of minifigures. 

We were lucky enough to receive one this week and I really wanted to share it with you!

Our Fred's Box arrived super quick and was through the door the day after the order was placed.

White box with a 'Fred's Box' label on the lid

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Movie of the week!

A few months ago we caught the end of one of the Despicable Me films and Joseph took a shine to Gru's yellow little assistants, the Minions. From this he developed a little love for them and we've been watching Minions here and there for the last couple of months but this week is has become an obsession! 

That's why Minions is our movie of the week! 

Minions poster

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Oriental Fan

It seems ages since I've done a craft blog, so its time to get back into the swing of things!

As I write this Chinese New Year is near, so I thought it only right for it be part of this craft! So, here's how to make a super easy oriental fan!

Completed fan

Returning to work? How being super organised can get you through it!

Your returning to work after maternity/parental leave and your new parent anxiety is at a new high. Not only are you leaving your little bundle at nursery/childminder/grandparents, your going to be mixing with people. Real people. Not Mr Bloom and the Teletubbies. Actual real people! 

You'll go from changing tables to office tables and back from water-cooler chat to making bottles.

Keep calm when returning to the office with my top tips. 

Desk with computer monitor, filofax, tape, notepad and planner

Monday 23 January 2017

Book of the week!

This week's book of the week is the super cute, Peter Rabbit, Tickle Tickle Peter.

Cover of the book

Saturday 21 January 2017


Sponsored Post

I love a bargain.

In fact, I've come to love bargains so much that I don't like paying full price for anything anymore. Whether it be a standard sale, a voucher code or cashback sites I have to have a reduction!

I've decided to start doing a post once a month about the best bargains, cashback sites and vouchers.

First off is voucher code site Dealfy.

Dealfy logo

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Movie of the week!

Just keep reading, reading, reading, all you have to do is guess this week's movie of the week! Of course, its Finding Dory!!!

Finding Dory poster

Conkers, Derbyshire

Conkers, situated in the National Forest, is advertised as a world of adventure and discovery for the whole family but is it suitable for a two year old? 

Well, we visited Conkers on a damp New Years Eve. With a day free and some Tesco Days Out vouchers to use up, we found it to be the nearest place to visit.

Exterior of Conkers visitors centre

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Sunday 15 January 2017

Charity Spotlight Update - Heidi Luckraft / Dazzle

Back in October I featured Heidi as my charity of the month as part of my Charity Spotlight blogs. 

Battling Lyme Disease, her and her family were, and still are, desperate to raise funds for her treatment abroad.

Heidi lays ill in a hospital bed

Fancy trying food dehydration?

Sponsored Post

January is full of health kicks, fitness and resolutions. There's so many to choose from but which is for you?

Well, how about food dehydration?

Green and yellow fruit and veg, chopped and in a flatlay

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Movie of the week!

Regular readers will know that I run a weekly book review due to my little ones obsession with reading and being read to. Books though aren't the only form of entertainment he likes as he's also partial to the a bit of television! 

Now let me be clear. He doesn't sit in front of the TV for hours and hours on end. He spends most of his time playing with his toys, especially his cars but when something grabs his attention he'll sit and watch it.

Like lots of children he has lots of sudden obsessions and we find ourselves reading the same books and watching the same films or TV shows over and over again. So, just as we do with the books I thought I'd start sharing our movie of the week!

This weeks movie is Monster University! 

Monster University movie poster

Monday 9 January 2017

Book of the week!

With the Christmas and New Year behind us here's a new non-festive book of the week, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

Book cover

Sunday 8 January 2017

Recycle Upcycle Christmas Card - Wreath

Today brings the last of our Christmas card upcycle recycling projects and for this one we are going to make a wreath ready for next year.

Completed wreath made with older christmas cards

Thursday 5 January 2017

Recycle Upcycle Christmas Cards - Window Scene Cards

Today brings our second Christmas card craft and its making a new set of Christmas cards from your existing ones. If you read my previous post you'll remember I suggested splitting the cards into piles and that one should be of cards that make good window scenes. 

Completed cards

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Recycle Upcycle Christmas Cards - Tags

The decorations are down and you've got a stack of Christmas cards to dispose of but what do you do with them? 

Throw them in the bin? 

Pile of Christmas cards

Monday 2 January 2017

Book of the week!

The Christmas tree maybe down but we're still a bit festive on the book front this week!

This week's book of the week is pop-up book, The Christmas Bear by Ian Whybrow.

Christmas Bear book