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Who'd have thought a few months ago that nearly everyone in the country, if not the world, would be homeschooling!! There's a lot to take in and there's a lot to learn, and that's just for us grownups.
There's also a lot to think about at the moment and you may feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and a lot of plates spinning. Let's try and make homeschooling something you can control and simplify with a few must haves.
Here's my must haves for homeschooling.......
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
44 Cats - Toys To Rock Out To!!
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Just before Christmas we shared our review of a brand new kids TV show, 44 Cats. At the time it was a bit of light relief from all things Christmassy and a change from Scooby Doo!! But we've continued to watch and enjoy the adventures of Lampo, Milady, Meatball and Pilou since and I'm excited to share that there's now 44 Cats toys too!!!
Just before Christmas we shared our review of a brand new kids TV show, 44 Cats. At the time it was a bit of light relief from all things Christmassy and a change from Scooby Doo!! But we've continued to watch and enjoy the adventures of Lampo, Milady, Meatball and Pilou since and I'm excited to share that there's now 44 Cats toys too!!!
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Why I'm Going To Stick To A Routine Whilst Homeschooling
The news is out and so is school!! From now until who knows when school is cancelled and with support from teachers and a host of online resources we will now be homeschooling for the foreseeable future.
Lots of people have been sharing what their approach will be, with many saying they will hold off for a few weeks and think about school later. My approach will be a little different though. This was probably clear from the night that the announcement of the school closure came through. With others chatting online about it, I was already in Poundland buying more crayons, paper and workbooks, ready for the challenge.
A few people have asked why I'm sticking to a routine whilst homeschooling and not taking a do maths in your PJs, try phonics if you can be bothered or wait a while approach, so I wanted to share why I'm going to stick to a routine whilst homeschooling.
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
5 Tips To Ensure Your Family Stay Friends When Stuck Inside
So, if you're reading this you're possibly stuck inside with your family, or face being inside with them, for a long time. Be it a snowstorm, a virus or a hurricane, you're in your home for a long period with those you love the most, but will you like each other by the end of it??
Here's 5 tips to ensure your family stay friends when stuck inside!
Sunday, 15 March 2020
8 Things To Do Before You Self Isolate
There's lots in the news about self isolation and for those that are older or vulnerable health wise to stay indoors. Many are making the decision to self isolate before the virus hits them or their loved ones.
As a family our son's school and my husband's workplace remains open but we are reducing our contact with the outside word and are asking older or vulnerable family members and friends to do the same. That's if they will listen!!
I've been having a bit of a think about if we do have to fully self isolate or go on a full lock down and what I could do to plan ahead. Obviously, if you're unwell already this won't apply. Anyway, I've made a list and thought I'd share it with you, but before I do I'd like to add something. This is advice from someone that likes to plan ahead, someone that also has elderly and vulnerable people to watch over and someone that copes by being organised and writing lists. This is not to encourage stockpiling and selfish behaviour.
How we deal with this situation happening around the world will me marked in history. Our children see us. They take it all in. Stay calm. Only take what you need. Help others if you can. Just like a few weeks ago, be kind.
Now, here's 8 things to do before you self isolate.
Thursday, 12 March 2020
30 Crafts & Activities You Can Do If School Gets Cancelled
There's lots in the news right now about the possibility of schools closing for a few weeks, with recommendations that people stay home. For those with children this could cause a bit of a gasp!
Two weeks indoors with children can he hard. My son had chickenpox last year and we were stuck inside for weeks. It was hard keeping him entertained, not being bored or going stir crazy.
So, from experience and as a 'crafty mum' here's 30 craft and activities you can do if school gets cancelled.
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
5 Crafty Things You Can Do To Upcycle Or Recycle Glass Jars
As part of my Making A Sustainable Change posts, I recently wrote about glass jars and what you can do to help make a difference to the environment and how to correctly recycle them. Glass jars can easily be upcycled and reused, so as part of the last post I thought I'd give you a couple of ideas for if you want to join the upcycling and reusing club!
Thursday, 5 March 2020
6 Lego Essentials For When Your Kids Love Lego
So, your kids love Lego! Great!! It's a toy that encourages creativity and imagination, plus if your kids can play independently you might find that they'll happily play with Lego for hours on end.
Our son became a fan of Lego during the Duplo and toddler days. He would build all manner of different things and when the time came for him to move onto to Lego, his creativity and imagination just grew and grew.
Now 5, he continues to be a huge fan of Lego. We've been incredible lucky to have been handed down a huge stack of Lego and we've bought a few extra sets along the way, mostly superhero themed!!
But, with so much in our house we've learnt there's a few items that are essential if you're kids love Lego!
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Creative Projects You Can Do With Your Children
(Collaborative Post)
We all want to have fun with our children, but sometimes it can be hard to come up with new exciting ideas. There are plenty of activities that you can do with items that are lying around your house. They can even be educational and encourage creativity. Here are a few fun activities that you and your children can have fun doing together.
We all want to have fun with our children, but sometimes it can be hard to come up with new exciting ideas. There are plenty of activities that you can do with items that are lying around your house. They can even be educational and encourage creativity. Here are a few fun activities that you and your children can have fun doing together.
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