
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

World Book Day - Costumes to buy!

World Book Day is just days away, so its time to be creative and make costumes! But what if you don't have the time, the creativeness or frankly don't want to? 

Pile of children's books with a kids cup and straw on top of them

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Competition - Win with Dylon

Have you read my previous posts about Dylon? Did you see us get Pancake Day ready? Or maybe you saw us bring a new brightness to our muggies?

Fancy giving it a try? Well now you can!

Three types of Dylon dye with a chalkboard with the words WIN written on it

Friday, 24 February 2017

Snack healthy with Kiddylicious!

My little boy is two years old and he loves snacks and treats! He'll point at our snack cupboard repeatedly through the day and say "please Mumma, please, I get bowl".

Red haired toddler holding a small orange plastic bowl

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Movie of the week!

Babs is a bit robot obsessed lately and when he spotted this week's movie of the week on the Sky planner there was lots of "me, me, robot please" and we've now watched it frequently over the last week.

It's a Disney and Pixar classic and it's this week's movie of the week. It's WALL-E.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Getting ready for Pancake Day with Dylon!

Shrove Tuesday. Pancakes, syrup, oranges, lemons, chocolate spread and more pancakes. It's easy to get caught up in a stack of pancakes and what to have with them! But what if you want to try something different?

Something a bit crafty?? Something that's not completely food related??

Regular readers will know that my little boy, Joseph, loves to bake and cook so I decided to get us prepared for Pancake Day and future kitchen activities by getting him an apron! But it was a bit plain and the chef's hat we had was a bit battered and had seen better days.

Little boy smiling whilst dressed as a chef

Book of the week!

With so much going on at home Joseph has spent the time we've had with his toys, running round, being boisterous and well, just being a boy, so the reading of books has been a rarity. When it has happened though the books have been the same as Joseph, noisy! 

So, this week's book of the week is Noisy Pirates!

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week is a little familiar as it also happens to be our book of the week! Yep, it's The Gruffalo

Gruffalo movie cover

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Is it time to ditch the pushchair?

My little boy is a charming and cheeky two year old.  He’s inquisitive and can be adventurous when the mood takes him. He occasionally has the standard toddler meltdown, although I’m grateful these rarely take place in public. So far there’s been very few throwing himself on the floor, kicking his legs, drawing attention to himself, and in turn me, incidents.

The main cause for that though is not that he’s a complete angel or that I’ve got parenting sussed. It’s because there’s a knight in shining armour or shall we say on wheels? A secure chariot. His pushchair.

Little boy sitting in a pushchair, playing with an oven mitt and laughing

Monday, 6 February 2017

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Charity Spotlight - The Children's Society

Created over a century ago, The Children's Society, campaigns for a country where children can be free from poverty. Running projects in local communities, they help children and young people that are vulnerable, living in poverty, suffering abuse or neglect and simply have nowhere else to turn.

The Children's Society logo

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Heart Card

Here's another craft activity for you! As always its cheap and cheerful!

Completed card with heart shapes on the front

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Heart Tarts

It's time for another craft but this time I thought I'd give you a cheap and cheerful baking idea. So, here we go........

A plate full of jam tarts with heart tops

Movie of the week!

A grown up (well nearly) movie of the week this time!! On a day off we managed to get the DIY done quicker than expected and with the monkey at nursery we slotted in a date to the cinema. The actual cinema! 

Star Wars has been a long favourite of hubs and he introduced me to it as Attack of the Clones was released. Back then we binged watched them before heading to the cinema and have seen each one since, and repeatedly. We had planned to see The Force Awakens at the cinema but as many parents will know going to the cinema or out at all becomes something of a military operation! So, we ended up waiting until it was shown on Sky Movies.

We were keen to see Rogue One at the cinema so when the opportunity arose we made sure we did. 

I am so happy we got the chance to see it as it was bloody ace! So ace it's my movie of the week!