
Showing posts with label CRAFTS & ACTIVITIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CRAFTS & ACTIVITIES. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

How To Take An Art Hobby To The Next Level

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Art is a fantastic hobby to have these days. It allows you to release those creative urges, it can be surprisingly therapeutic, and it’s also a good way to meet new people thanks to the many communities that surround art. Whether you’re a budding painter or someone that enjoys colouring books, there are plenty of ways to ease yourself into an art hobby.

But what should you do if you want to take it to a new level?

Paid pallet and brush

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Creative Ideas For A Very Crafty Christmas!!

So, you want to be crafty and a bit creative this Christmas!! Looking for ideas?? I've got you covered. We love a craft, even more if it's a festive one!! So, here's a selection of Creative Ideas For A Very Crafty Christmas!! 

Thursday, 7 October 2021

What To Do With Your Old Books!!

I love a declutter!!! The tidiness, the clean and freshness that comes with it. Sometimes going through the clutter can be a bit painful!!! You might struggle to part with things.

This is one of the reasons I like the Marie Kondo method. But even with this I struggle to part with books. Even if I've read them over and over, and might not read them again, I still struggle with parting with them.

But I know some keen crafters that use books to upcycle and create amazing things. So if you struggle to part with books too and you're a little crafty, here's some ideas for What To Do With Your Old Books!!

Pile of books

Thursday, 18 March 2021

10 Creative Lockdown Activities

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This time last year the UK was entering it's first lockdown and now we sit in our third. It's been a hard slog for many of us. Many of us started with a huge amount of good intentions.  

Long walks. Healthy eating. Reading. A creative activity here and there. Then, well, we got bored. It got a bit repetitive. A bit samey. We started running out of ideas. 

As we continue into lockdown I've put together a list of 10 Creative Lockdown Activities for you to try. Some are for kids. Some are for grownups. There's a bit of something for everyone. 

A wooden rainbow display sitting on a shelf

Friday, 25 September 2020

Five Super Tabletop Games To Play During The Pandemic

(Collaborative Post)

The pandemic is here to stay, for the foreseeable, at least. meaning that it's time to think about how to entertain young kids at home for days and weeks on end. There is no sure-fire solution to this age-old dilemma; the best thing you can do is gather together as many ideas, games, and activities as possible, and hope it will be enough. 

Board game laid out with different play pieces on top

Here are five super tabletop games to get you started. 

Monday, 10 August 2020

Scrapbooking Our Summer With Design Bundles

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Let's be honest. This year has been a bit of a strange one. The month's have blurred. The days are here and then gone. Somehow it's August already. 

Days out are few and far between. Time with family even less so. 

School's out. Will it be back in September? Who knows? Will we survive another round of homeschooling? Will the kids be able to get back into the swing of things? 

Are there any good memories for the year?? There must be! Right?? 

Little boy wearing sunglasses and holding a soft toy dog

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Getting Organsied With Design Bundles

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Raise your hand if your routine has gone out of the window since we've all been spending more time inside and at home!!! I know ours has!!! We've gradually slept in later, fallen behind with homeschooling, had late dinners, even later bedtimes and just got a bit lax with EVERYTHING!!! This coupled with little sleep and the stresses that we all face on a day to day basis, and all heightened under the current climate, I barely know what I'm doing from one day to the next and that's even if I know what day it is!! So, it's time to get my house in order, as well as my mind, my cupboards and just about everything else going!! 

Flat lay picture showing a diary pens and a daily planner

Thursday, 12 March 2020

30 Crafts & Activities You Can Do If School Gets Cancelled

There's lots in the news right now about the possibility of schools closing for a few weeks, with recommendations that people stay home. For those with children this could cause a bit of a gasp!

Two weeks indoors with children can he hard. My son had chickenpox last year and we were stuck inside for weeks. It was hard keeping him entertained, not being bored or going stir crazy.

So, from experience and as a 'crafty mum' here's 30 craft and activities you can do if school gets cancelled.

Chalkboard with School's Out written across it

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

5 Crafty Things You Can Do To Upcycle Or Recycle Glass Jars

As part of my Making A Sustainable Change posts, I recently wrote about glass jars and what you can do to help make a difference to the environment and how to correctly recycle them. Glass jars can easily be upcycled and reused, so as part of the last post I thought I'd give you a couple of ideas for if you want to join the upcycling and reusing club!

Empty class jar filled with water and flower cuttings

Thursday, 5 March 2020

6 Lego Essentials For When Your Kids Love Lego

So, your kids love Lego! Great!! It's a toy that encourages creativity and imagination, plus if your kids can play independently you might find that they'll happily play with Lego for hours on end.

Our son became a fan of Lego during the Duplo and toddler days. He would build all manner of different things and when the time came for him to move onto to Lego, his creativity and imagination just grew and grew.

Now 5, he continues to be a huge fan of Lego. We've been incredible lucky to have been handed down a huge stack of Lego and we've bought a few extra sets along the way, mostly superhero themed!!

But, with so much in our house we've learnt there's a few items that are essential if you're kids love Lego!

Pile of Lego mini figure heads, all with different expressions

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Creative Projects You Can Do With Your Children

(Collaborative Post)

We all want to have fun with our children, but sometimes it can be hard to come up with new exciting ideas. There are plenty of activities that you can do with items that are lying around your house. They can even be educational and encourage creativity. Here are a few fun activities that you and your children can have fun doing together.

Close up of a child's chest as they hold a bunch of wax crayons in their little hands

Monday, 24 February 2020

Celebrating World Book Day With Viking


World Book Day is just around the corner and there’s plenty of ways to join in. Be it dressing up, having a reread of your favourite book or getting crafty or creative, there’s plenty to do!

With this in mind the team at Viking have kindly gifted me a selection of craft items to get creative this World Book Day! There’s a great selection, including card, ink, an always handy Sharpie, letter stamps, a frame and plenty of other bits.

They asked for me to get crafty and create something using my favourite book and the items they provided for World Book Day and that’s exactly what I did with my copy of Peter Pan and Wendy.

Selection of craft ideas including card, ink, an always handy Sharpie, letter stamps, a frame

Monday, 20 January 2020

Getting Ready For Mother's Day With FontBundles

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With Christmas long gone, Valentines coming up and Pancake mix in the shops, it means Mother's Day is just around the corner!

It's time to give a great big hank you to the Mums (or stepmums, godmothers or mother type figures) in our lives. A bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates or a nice set of toiletries are the usual Mother's Day gifts, but there's a few other things you might want to consider.

A great way to show Mums how much you care and how appreciated they are is to give them something hand and homemade. Now, don't worry I'm not suggesting that you make a pasta necklace or something out of loo roll! We'll save that for the kids! But you could still make something!

Not a crafty type? Well, this is super easy, low cost and will be fun of thoughtfulness and love! How about a card like these?

Flatlay showing handmade Mother's Day cards

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

How To Recycle Your Wax Crayons

Our house is full of crayons. The pencil kind, the Twistable kind, the wax crayon kind. We use them all!!

Our little boy loves to colour so every single one gets used! Twistables can be used until every bit is gone and pencils can be sharpened, but what about wax crayons? They often break into two or three pieces and you usually end up with bits of wax crayon that are too small to use, even for the littlest of hands.

So, how can you make use of those bits of broken wax crayon? Well, you can make new ones!!! 

Wax crayons in a bowl

Here's how..............

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Being Creative With

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Creative handmade and homemade pieces are a great way to bring personalisation and individuality to your home.

Whether you create them yourself or buy from crafty types, they can make your home standout from the rest. I often find that the pieces or ornaments that I like the most or get compliments are those handmade items.

Flatlay showing picture frame, sunflower design on paper, glue and scissors

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Exploring Creative Writing With Your Child

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Creative writing is a fun way for children to practice their creativity and develop other important academic skills. Children have wonderful imaginations, which parents can help to nurture using these great creative writing tips from Orchard House School

Hand holding a pen and starting to write in a lined notepad near some pencil sharpenings

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Low Budget Rock Painting

Over the last couple of years rock painting has become really popular and you can often spot decorated rocks and pebbles whilst out and about, but especially in local parks or nature reserves.

JJ and I have wanted to try this for a while and after we gave it a try on our recent visit to Wordsworth House we thought we'd try it at home. I soon discovered that the special pens can be a little pricey! With prices starting at £12 and going upwards to £25, this craft does can be pricey! But at Wordsworth House I found a more affordable way to rock paint and now it's time to share it with you!

Decorated rocks with crayons surrounding them

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Beach Scavenger Hunt - British Beach Edition

Lots of you love my spotting activities and there's one for nearly every season, the seaside and even Halloween and Christmas. Spotting activities are ideal for keeping the kids entertained as they look out the window on long car journeys asking 'are we there yet?!', or when they get bored whilst out for a stroll, but what about when you'd like to keep them entertained elsewhere?  Perhaps at the beach or in a forest? Maybe add in a little adventure too?

Well, this is where a scavenger hunt comes in! So, for the first time ever welcome to the Mummy Snowy Owl Scavenger Hunt!! As it's summertime and lots of us will be off for a paddle at the seaside, I thought a beach scavenger hunt was the perfect way to start.

British coast with a pier in the distance

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Keeping The Kids Safe When Crafting

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Crafting with your children has many advantages. It’s a brilliant chance to spend some time together doing something fun. It’s a chance for your kids to see you get stuck in and learn something new. It’s a wonderful and exciting way to teach them more about the world, and a way to support their school work with inspiring and colourful home projects. It’s one of the few times that you will encourage them to be messy at home. 

Child holding a paint pot and squeezing out paint, with other paint pots in the foreground

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Summer Crafting Essentials

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With the summer holidays just around the corner, many parents are probably wondering how they’re going to keep their little ones entertained every day for six weeks. Of course, if the weather permits, summer is a great time to explore the great outdoors, visit the seaside and have picnics in the park.

Child painting stones and turning them into monsters with googly eyes

Summer is also a good opportunity to get creative with the kids, especially on days when the sun lets us down. Here are some great tools you’ll need if you plan on exploring your artistic talents with your children this summer: