
Friday, 29 November 2019

Family Christmas Traditions

I never thought I was one for Christmas traditions but looking back it seems I always have been.

When I was little Christmas Eve's were spent with family at my Nanny's (Grandma's) house. Christmas Day was quiet but with the older relatives visiting us and Boxing Day was different again with all of my siblings, their families, a lot of food and even more noise!

As we've all got older though our traditions have changed and we now get together before Christmas and enjoy Christmas Day and Boxing Day in our little units instead. With this in mind I'm always looking for ways of making our Christmas, with just the three of us, extra special and something that our son, JJ, will hopefully look back on fondly.

Here's a few traditions I've started or will be starting with my family, along with a few suggestions from my blogger friends.

Red bell bauble with Merry Christmas on the front hanging on a tree

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Dear Father Christmas Printables

Following on from the Dear Santa printables I shared earlier, it's now time for the Father Christmas alternative!!

Print off and let your little one write to Father Christmas and give the from Father Christmas letter in return.

Dear Father Christmas..........

Dear Father Christmas letter

Dear Santa Printables

Christmas is nearing and it's time to write those letters to the big man in red!! If you've not got round to it yet these printables are ideal for you.

There's a neat letterhead for you to use to write to Santa and a response letter too! 

If Santa is called Father Christmas at your house, don't worry as they'll be an alternative letter going up for you next!!

Dear Santa...............

Dear Santa letterhead printable

Monday, 25 November 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 22

Welcome back to A Very Snowy Christmas, 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas! 

We are now into week 22!!! Christmas is less than a month away!! If you've been joining in from week 1 you'll now be well on your way to an organised Christmas!

A festive scene with a Christmas tree and gifts with the text week 22 across the centre

Sunday, 24 November 2019

A Snowy Christmas Gift Guide ~ For The Interior Lover

[Sponsored Post]

Welcome to A Snowy Christmas Gift Guide! 

The second item on my Christmas gift guide is for the interior lover. Maybe a family member or friend that's renovating their home or someone that's spent ages looking for the perfect item to finish a room.

One way to make a room bigger, make it lighter and add a focal point is to add a mirror. So, if you have someone who is missing something in their newly decorated room, a mirror could be the perfect gift for them this Christmas.

Silver framed mirror above a sink with wall lights either side

Friday, 22 November 2019

Top Tips For Leaving Your Kids Home Alone

[Collaborative Post]

Leaving your kids home alone for the first time can be incredibly daunting, both for yourself and for them. Knowing when to leave the young people in your home unsupervised can depend on various circumstances, so it is up to you as the parent to decide if your child is ready and also ensure they are suitably prepared. Read on for some advice from a pre prep school in London.

Small toy house

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Christmas At The Snowdome


Those of you that have followed me on Instagram or Facebook for a while will know that last November we visited the Snowdome to take a look at their Winter Wonderland and we were super excited when they asked us back again this year!

Situated in Tamworth, the Snowdome offers year round skiing and snowboarding, as well as swimming, clip and climb and more! From mid-November to New Year's Eve part of the Snowdome transforms into a Winter Wonderland.

Winter Wonderland logo

Monday, 18 November 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 21

Welcome back to A Very Snowy Christmas, 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas!!

It's week 21 and with every passing day we edge nearer to Christmas. Hopefully, with the help of A Very Snowy Christmas, you're well on the way to being super organised, prepared and on budget!

A festive scene with a tree and presents with week 21 in text across the centre.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

A Snowy Christmas Gift Guide ~ For The Super Social Friends

[Gifted for review]

The Christmas preparation is well underway and as we get into full swing of wrapping and buying presents, it's time to kick off my Christmas gift guide. So, many of you loved my recommendations last Christmas, that I thought I'd do it again.

Starting this year's Snowy Christmas Gift Guide is a gift that's ideal for your super social friends, That Song

Flat lay showing the cards and box laid out

Friday, 15 November 2019

Exploring STEM Subjects At Home

[Collaborative Post]

STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) can open up fantastic opportunities for students, both in terms of a future career and simply on a personal level. Lots of subjects fall under the ‘STEM’ umbrella, from physics and engineering to medicine and biochemistry. Each of these subjects help students develop highly transferrable skills that they can carry through all aspects of their lives. These skills include things like the ability to work as part of a team, think critically and solve problems.

Boy sitting at a table with an open notebook, next to an ipad and homemade robots

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Helping Your Child Resist Peer Pressure

[Collaborative Post]

Peer pressure is something that all children, and even many adults, are faced with from time to time. It’s important for parents to teach their children that it’s ok to say no. Here are some tips from a co-educational school in the Cotswolds to help you explore peer pressure with your child and teach them to avoid it.

Parent and child holding hands as the sunsets over flowers behind them

Monday, 11 November 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 20

Welcome back to A Very Snowy Christmas, 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas!!

This week is week 20 and as I write this we only have 44 days until Christmas!! 

Festive scene with a tree and gifts with Week 20 in text across the front

Sunday, 10 November 2019



We love creative play and crafting, and our 5 year old son will sit for hours happily colouring, cutting and sticking. So, when he spots something new and creative he's always up for giving it a try and when the ColourMazing boxes were gifted to us to try, he was excited to get crafty!

Two boxed and one packet ColourMazing set, packaging shows the ink and designs of the characters to colour

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

How To Be More Involved With Your Child’s Education

[Collaborative Post]

Believe it or not, research has found that the more involved a child’s parents are with their education, the more likely they are to succeed in school. With that said, you’re probably wondering what more you can do for your youngster. A private school in London have put together the following advice to help get your started.

Pink, purple and blue crayon laid out with faces  drawn on to look like a family

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

A Clean Family Home ~ Top Tips To Keep On Top Of Mess

[Collaborative Post]

Staying on top of the cleaning in your home when you have the responsibilities of looking after your little ones (and yourself) as well as working or providing for your family can seem pretty much impossible. Turn your back for a couple of seconds and your children can successfully flip a room upside down and leave it unrecognisable amongst clutter, mess and grime. Not only is an untidy house stressful, it also poses several potential risks to your family that might otherwise have been avoided, such as bacteria infections or illnesses from particularly dirty areas, or cuts and bruises from trips and falls. So, if you’d like to know more about how you can have a clean and tidy family home, then read on to uncover some of the best top tips to help you get started today!

Monday, 4 November 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 19

Welcome back to A Very Snowy Christmas, 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas!! It's week 19!!! 

Halloween is done and dusted! Mariah is warming up and Buble is about to come out of his cave!! The shops are ready and thanks to our weekly tasks so are we!! 

This week's task involves getting the kids involved in our Christmas prep!

Christmas tree and festive scene with week 19 across the front