
Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Being More Positive!

It's easy to be negative. Moaning, complaining, glass half empty, not half full type of person. 

I'm one of those people. Glass half empty. Moaning Myrtle. Negative Nora. 

Well, I was until very recently, as I suddenly became very aware of how negative I was being. 

Scrabble letters to read 'be positive'

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Whatever happened to Mummy Snowy Owl?

I've been a bit slack on the blogging front over the last week or two, but its not that I've lost my mojo again. 

The opposite in fact as I've got lots to share! It's simply that we've been concentrating on other things. 

Having family time, days out, celebrating birthdays and enjoying the temperamental British summer!