
Friday, 29 September 2017

Book of the week

Books, books, books. We are back in love with books!! So its time again for book of the week!

This week its a book bought for our 3 year old, Joseph, by his grandma. 

Written by Margaret Mayo and Alex Ayliffe, Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp, opens with two pages of dinosaurs, their names and how to pronounce them. 

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Keep Calm and Eat Out

Going out to eat should be a relaxing time. A break from routine. A treat for the family. Bring children into the mix though it can turn into a stressful and unpleasant experience.

So, how can you make it enjoyable and relaxing? Especially when you have a toddler or preschooler in the mix?!

Smartly dressed toddler sitting in a highchair in posh surroundings

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Book of the week!

Wow! Where did the week go? It's already time for a new book of the week!

This week brings another hand me down, and this time it's an educational one!

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Book of the week

Yes, that's right, the 'book of the week' feature is back! 

With many a rainy day the books are back off the shelf and being put to good use! And we've also had another stack of hand me downs, which seems to have re-sparked the book worm in our 3 year old, Joseph! 

He's especially took an interest in a lovely Thomas the Tank Engine library set. His current fave is all about Rusty, which before now we hadn't come across. 

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Making An Enchanted Rose!

Who loves a bit of Disney?? If you raised your hand and said "ME!", this craft is definitely one for you to try. Even if you're not that crafty it is super easy, like really, really easy and possibly the easiest craft I have ever done!

A red rose in a domed glass