
Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Helping Your Child Perform Well At School

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We all want our children to perform well at school and most schools take pride in their ability to work with parents to identify and nurture their pupils’ potential. Below are a couple of tips from a private school in Hertfordshire on what you can be doing at home to help support your child to perform well at school.

A sign that reads 'love to learn' on a large pencil shape on a concrete wall

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

The Importance Of School Trips

Collaborative Post

School trips are an essential part of your child’s learning. They not only help to consolidate and contextualise the learning that has taken place within the classroom but they give your child the opportunity to explore and extend their understanding of what is being taught in a completely different environment. This helps bring leaning to life!

School backpack laid out with supplies spilling out and shoes placed at the side

New Home, Too Much Space: Tips For Furnishing A Larger Property

Collaborative Post

For most families, the need for more space is one of the most significant influencing factors on the decision to move home. However, while more living space will always be appreciated, the initial stages of making the most of a larger property can actually be a little trickier than you may expect.

Moving boxes and house plants piled up, with other moving items

Monday, 24 June 2019

How To Identify Your Child’s Learning Style

Collaborative Post

As parents we are actively keen to support our children’s development as best we can in order for them to reach their full potential and for them to experience success. The question is, how can you identify your child’s learning style in order to best support their learning journey? 

A private school in New York have put together the following information and advice to help.

Coloured pencils in a pen pot with a classroom in the background

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Why Are The Foundations Of Your Home So Important?

Collaborative Post

Just like in relationships or family life, solid and well-built foundations are vital to the strength and durability of your home.

The foundations of a home are important for a number of reasons; they support the weight of the building, they provide strength against the elements and they help to isolate the structure of the building from any moisture in the ground.

Brick wall, half painted red with a heart drawn on it in black

In order to protect your home from damage and maintain its value, it is essential that your home is built upon a strong foundation. 

Read on to learn more about the importance of house foundations from the experts at Screwfast Foundations Limited…

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Why You Should Install Outdoor Lighting

Collaborative Post

There are many benefits to adding outdoor lighting to your home. Outdoor lighting can help to improve the safety and security of your property, as well as extend the use of your garden well into the night.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of outdoor lighting from the team of expert designers at Inspyer Lighting

Outdoor lighting hanging on a string along the side of a house

Friday, 21 June 2019

The Benefits of Artificial Grass

Collaborative Post

Grass is a beautiful feature to any garden; however it is also high maintenance and sensitive to changing weather conditions. This is why artificial grass is becoming such a popular choice for many homeowners, especially parents who don't have the time to mow! If you’d like a low-maintenance lawn that looks fantastic all year round, then artificial grass could be the answer!

Piece of artificial grass being held by gloved hands

Here we take a look at some of the many benefits of artificial grass….

Thursday, 20 June 2019

How to Study Medicine at University

Collaborative Post

The NHS has been a big part of our families lives. Caring for my sister and her premature twins, our fertility treatment and Mum's cancer treatments have all shaped and changed our family. Throw in fixing of breaks and sprains, hip and knee replacements, and our family has definitely had our share of NHS care and treatments!

Cuddly bear wearing a surgical mask and stethoscope

What if you or your child decide to study medicine?

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Summer Crafting Essentials

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With the summer holidays just around the corner, many parents are probably wondering how they’re going to keep their little ones entertained every day for six weeks. Of course, if the weather permits, summer is a great time to explore the great outdoors, visit the seaside and have picnics in the park.

Child painting stones and turning them into monsters with googly eyes

Summer is also a good opportunity to get creative with the kids, especially on days when the sun lets us down. Here are some great tools you’ll need if you plan on exploring your artistic talents with your children this summer:

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Understanding the Key Stage 4 Curriculum

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If you’re a parent, there have probably been many occasions where you’ve reflected on everything you’re supposed to know about your child’s education and its left you feeling quite overwhelmed. Maybe you and your little ones are getting ready for Reception like we were last year, or maybe they'll be prepping for SATS or GCSE's, either way it can be hard to know how to best support your child through the process. With a big step for your child's future being GCSE's, I have teamed up with a Sixth Form in Hertfordshire to help parents of Key Stage 4 aged students so that they can have a better understanding of the overall curriculum and how it works.

Pile of notepads with pencils, pen and a rubber on top

Friday, 14 June 2019

Tidy Stuff - Toy Car Storage

We've all got 'stuff'. Whether it be books, shoes, handbags, collectables or toys, a house can soon become cluttered. A good declutter is often the way to reduce down the stuff in your home but parting with things can be hard.

Personally, I'm a fan of the Marie Kondo method and if it hasn't got a use or doesn't 'spark joy' it goes either to be recycled, upcycled, donated or binned. But what about the stuff you're left with? How do we store it and where do we keep it?

Well, my tidy stuff posts provide the answers and we've already covered how to store bras, keeping the cupboard under the sink tidy and the best ways to clean and store Lego. Now it's time for toy cars! 

Toy cars lined up

Toy cars provide our little boy with hours of fun but he has hundreds, mostly hand me downs from Daddy and they can easily be untidy! So, how do we keep toy cars tidy? Here's some ideas!

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

I've Launched An Etsy Store!!

We've had a lot going on recently and part of that is that I've been quietly working on a little side business. I'd been considering creating an Etsy store for a while and have had one in the past when I was making candles. 

My idea for a new Etsy store though was a little different and I wanted to provide cute and funny printables. Prints that I create but buyers can print at home. 

Flatlay showing a couple of notepads, a pen with hustle on the side and a desk sign that says 'girl boss'

Monday, 10 June 2019

5 Father's Day Gift Ideas

I've already shared the personalised gift we've bought for the Daddy of our house, along with three craft ideas, but if you're still a little stuck as to what to get Daddy for Father's Day here's five gift ideas. 

Father and little boy holding hands on a beach and walking towards the water

Friday, 7 June 2019

3 Easy Crafts You Can Make For Father's Day

Father's Day is just around the corner! If you're on a budget or just looking for a handmade gift, here's three Father's Day crafts that you can make with the kids!

Starting with a special canvas.

A small canvas, which has been painted by a child and reads 'daddys tools'

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

June Giveaway!

It's a brand new month, so it's time for a new giveaway! I've picked this one specially for the Disney fans among you!

I recently discovered that 2019 brings a big anniversary for one of my favourite Disney movies! The Little Mermaid is celebrating 30 years since it's US release. Can you believe we had to wait a whole year for our favourite mermaid to swim over to us in the UK, as it wasn't released here until October the following year!!

The adventures of Ariel and her friends were a huge success all around the world and she remains to be a favourite princess for many. 

For a little celebration I'm giving away two books that tie-in to The Little Mermaid.

Two books laid out, both with black covers and showing Ursula from The Little Mermaid

Monday, 3 June 2019

Reliving The 90s With The Spice Girls!

Flashback to the 90s..........the Spice Girls are the biggest band on the planet, we all have our favourite Backstreet Boy and mousse in our hair. Scrunchies are a big deal. The boys want to be David Beckham and we want to date him (a la Posh Spice). You might have even had a pair of platform trainers!!

Clueless is the biggest lighthearted movie of the decade and we all wanted Cher's rotating wardrobe! Quentin Tarantino delivers hit after hit, and then there's big action movies with Speed and the groundbreaking The Matrix. Se7en, well that scarred us all for life.

The whole country went football crazy during Euro 96 and football star Gary Lineker went from England squad to selling us our favourite crisps.

Being at comprehensive school during the 90s meant my time was spent with my best girls, making up dance routines, picking which Spice Girl I was going to be that day. I really, really wanted to be in a girl band! We wrote songs, picked band names and our line up changed regularly. Members mostly left when they discovered boys!! 

Flash forward to 2019 and the Spice Girls have returned for us once again and to celebrate they've teamed up with Walkers to find their greatest fans!

Sporty Spice, Ginger Spice, Baby Spice and Scary Spice standing in a regular kitchen