
Monday, 24 June 2019

How To Identify Your Child’s Learning Style

Collaborative Post

As parents we are actively keen to support our children’s development as best we can in order for them to reach their full potential and for them to experience success. The question is, how can you identify your child’s learning style in order to best support their learning journey? 

A private school in New York have put together the following information and advice to help.

Coloured pencils in a pen pot with a classroom in the background

All children have a natural way of picking up information. Educators have identified three main styles of learning- kinaesthetic (learn by touching and doing), visual (learn by reading or seeing pictures) and auditory (taking in information by hearing and listening). You can probably think back to your own school experience and identify areas of schooling which you found more enjoyable and perhaps identify this with your own preferred learning style for absorbing information. In fact, it’s worth understanding your own learning style as well, because this may differ from your child’s and will determine how you teach.

Even from an early age, observational clues can help you identify a likely learning style. Does your child learn by looking, listening or doing? Essentially, each learning style is determined by the senses that your child uses the most whilst they are learning. Once you identify this you can help support their educational journey by prioritising this learning style. Many children will use a combination of each but will likely have a preferred method. It is, however, important to not ignore the importance of a well-rounded learning experience.

When parents and teachers assist children in learning in the style that’s most natural for them, they are more likely to develop the self-confidence necessary to master every learning style. It is important for your child to have experiences that call all learning styles into play so that they can succeed in school and beyond.

I've learnt the hard way, including tears from myself and JJ, that all children don't learn the same and I've got to stop comparing him to other children. His journey is different to other kids but as long as he tries his best and continues to learn in a style that suits him we'll be happy.

Mummy Snowy Owl

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