
Wednesday, 31 July 2019

The Deep

Day out gifted for review purposes.

Set overlooking the Humber estuary, The Deep, is one of the leading aquariums in the world and is home to over 5000 animals. Operating as an educational and conservation charity, The Deep, is also a key player in international marine conservation. 

Exterior of The Deep visitors centre

Monday, 29 July 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 5

Yes, it's Monday already! So, it's time for another festive post as part of our A Very Snowy Christmas, 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas!

This week is week 5, which means there is just 20 weeks until Christmas week! Don't worry if you've fallen behind or not made a start yet, as there's still time to catch up and have a very snowy and organised Christmas!

Friday, 26 July 2019

Helping Your Teenager Decide On University

Collaborative Post

Will the next school year see your child prepare for university?

When the time comes for your teenager to start applying for universities, you’ll probably feel quite overwhelmed. As natural as that is, it’s probably nothing in comparison to how they are feeling. With that in mind, try and do your best to support and encourage your son or daughter and help take the pressure off them as much as possible by giving positive feedback. Unsure where to start when it comes to helping them select a university? Here’s some advice from a Sixth Form in Kent.

Brick wall with a sign reading university on it, with a stack of books in the forefront

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

A Parents’ Guide To The Key Stage 2 Curriculum

Collaborative Post

A child’s education is divided into four key stages; Key Stage 2 is taught to pupils aged 7-11 in Years 3 to 6. If you’re a parent of a child in this age range, you probably have some questions about the curriculum and what your child is learning about in their lessons. A prep school in Leatherhead have put together the following guide to help parents understand the KS2 curriculum a little better.

Piles of notebooks, pencils, pens and other school stationary

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

How To Get More Involved With Your Child's Schooling

Collaborative Post

Taking the time to read this post shows that you're keen to get involved with your child's education. It shows that you care about your child’s success, their comfort in their education, and that you are willing to make a difference. Many parents simply haven’t the time, means or maybe just don't want to do something like this, so you should pat yourself on the back for even trying!

Blackboard with a pile of books, apple, open book and pens in the forefront, a chalk drawing of a rocket sits behind the pen pot

Monday, 22 July 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 4

Welcome back to another week of A Very Snowy Christmas, 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas.

We've already made our list, checked it twice, done our budget and cleared our hiding space, so now it's time to start shopping!!

Christmas tree surrounded by presents with the text week 4 across the front

Why You Should Attend School Open Days

Collaborative Post

When it comes to choosing a new school for your child, attending open days a huge part of the process and one that shouldn’t be neglected. Touring the school and getting a feel for it in person is really important and can help make or break your decision. A prep school in Surrey explore the benefits of attending a school open day below.

Childrens classroom with pen pots to the forefront of the picture

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Another July Giveaway

July has already brought us one board game giveaway, but now it's time for one for the grownups! 

If you saw yesterday's post you will know that we recently reviewed the eco-friendly board game, Nudge. The creators have been super kind and have gifted a game for a giveaway.

Nudge board game box

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Nudge Eco-Friendly Board Game


We love a good board game and once our son has finally stopped the bedtime roulette of 'I'm not sleepy, I'm thirsty, I'm too hot, I'm too cold, I need the loo' etc, we try and take the time to put down our phones and do something a bit different.

Over the years we've collected a selection of board games, puzzles and playing cards and these are our usual go to's when we are looking for something that isn't tech based to do. Recently though I've become very aware that a huge majority of board games are plastic based. From the counters to the packaging there's a lot of plastic involved, but is there an alternative?

Well now there is! Nudge is a strategy based, two player game that is made from fully recyclable materials. The packaging is made up of cardboard and paper and the counters are made from bioplastic.

Nudge brown box

Friday, 19 July 2019

The Importance Of Sports Day In Schools

Collaborative Post

Summer is here and that means many schools are preparing for their sports day activities, but what exactly is sports day and why is it such a big part of school life? 

St. Hilda’s School in Harpenden have put together some of the key benefits of sports day and explain why this special day should be celebrated by students, staff and parents…

Children at the starting line for a race, holding batons

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Beginner's Guide: How To Start Racing With A Dirt Bike

Collaborative Guest Post

Recently, we have become more and more outdoorsy. More walking, more time spent outdoors and more time having fresh air adventures. Even on our quieter weekends the boys head out on their scooters to our local skate park or we go to our local nature reserve for a stroll and to feed the ducks.

As our adventures becoming more regular we have discussed trying lots of different things and one being dirt biking, but with only one holiday experience of it, I'm unsure of where to start and what we need to know. 

Bike Bandits have created this post to share what you need to know about dirt biking and racing, so it's super handy if you're thinking of giving it a try too. 

Two people dirt biking and jumping

Monday, 15 July 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 3

Welcome back to A Very Snowy Christmas.

This week is week number 3 and we're getting ready for all those presents you're going to buy early!

Christmas tree surrounded by presents with the text week 3 across the front

July Giveaway!

July is here so it's time for another giveaway!

This month's prize is for a pair of travel games. These travel board games are great for holidays, whether it be for travelling or rainy days.

Flatlay showing two travel board games, GuessWho? and Battleships

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Helping Your Child Develop Their Social Skills

Collaborative Post

Social skills are essential to a child’s development. Well established social skills can not only help with friendships and personal relationships, but they can also support your child throughout their life and in their future careers. Some children are naturally very sociable, while others may need a helping hand to build these invaluable skills. 

Little boy walking down a stony path, surrounded by flowers and heading towards an old fashioned gate

There are many ways in which you can help your children to improve their social skills. Oaks International School have put together the following advice for parents…

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Keeping The Kids Safe When Crafting

Collaborative Post

Crafting with your children has many advantages. It’s a brilliant chance to spend some time together doing something fun. It’s a chance for your kids to see you get stuck in and learn something new. It’s a wonderful and exciting way to teach them more about the world, and a way to support their school work with inspiring and colourful home projects. It’s one of the few times that you will encourage them to be messy at home. 

Child holding a paint pot and squeezing out paint, with other paint pots in the foreground

Monday, 8 July 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 2

Welcome back to A Very Snowy Christmas!! 

This week we are going to go over last week's lists and brace yourselves because we are going to be strict and thorough! So, pull out your lists and a pen and make yourself comfy for week 2 of A Very Snowy Christmas!

Christmas tree and gifts in the background with 'week 2' written across the middle

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

19 Books For 2019 - Part-Time Working Mummy, A Patchwork Life By Rachaele Hambleton

Book two of my 19 books for 2019 has been read and it's a good one! Part-Time Working Mummy, A Patchwork Life By Rachaele Hambleton, tells the story behind the success of her blog and social media channels.

The book sat at the side of a cup of tea

Rachaele is open from the start as she details her childhood and eventful teenage years. She shares her experiences of a violent, often volatile relationship with the father of her eldest daughters and the subsequent relationship breakdowns that follow. Rachaele's story is an eyeopening insight into the life and recovery of those suffering domestic abuse. 

Monday, 1 July 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 1

If you happened to be hanging around social media around the 25th June you might have noticed the 'only 6 months until Christmas' posts. For some six months is a longtime but for many, especially those on a budget, it could only be five or six pay days away and that makes it a bit scary. 

Then there's the planning. Who to buy for, what to buy, cards to write, food to order, baking to do, the list grows, and to be honest, we probably put way to much on ourselves in a bid to achieve what we think is the perfect Christmas.

Spreading out the jobs to do and the things to buy over a number of week's can make you stay on top of all that's to be done and help you spread the cost too. When it comes to Christmas I'm one of those plan as early as possible type of people. I've already done some lists and yes, I've even picked up a couple of presents! It's the Snowy Owl and Brownie Leader in me!! Be prepared!

So, do you want to be super organised? Have a more relaxed Christmas and maybe save a few quid too? Well, join me for A Very Snowy Christmas as we plan over the next 25 weeks for an organised festive period. 

A Christmas tree with the text, week 1, 25 weeks to an organised christmas

How Poor Diet Affects Your Health

Collaborative Post

If I've learnt anything from living with Fibromyalgia, Endrometriosis and other health issues, it's that your diet can have a huge affect on your health. 

If you would like to make the most out of your health, you will have to start paying more attention to your diet. We talk about recipes and diet in particular a lot but it all seems like hard work. In case you just need a bit of more motivation or would like to understand the health benefits of having a balanced diet, have a little read of this post. 

Knowing myself about the health risks of not managing your diet, I know that sometimes you need to see the facts in writing before you take them seriously and make a change. 

Empty plate with a knife and fork, and a sat face drawn on it