
Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Book of the week!

There are lots of books about Mummies. Mummy animals, Mummy Pig and us human mummies all feature heavily in baby and toddler books.

The more Joseph became a bookworm, the more I realised we had plenty of Mummy books but not any Daddy books! So, when I spotted I love my daddy in our local WH Smith I bought it straight away and gifted it to my husband as part of his Father's Day present from Joseph.

"A book about Daddies" he exclaimed when he opened it. He and Joseph read it lots that week and it's become a favourite again recently. That's why this week's book of the week is I love my daddy.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Chopsticks Challenge

Here's a great little activity for you to try and its ideal for Chinese New Year. It's very simple, cheap and easy to do!

A selection of bowls filled with different items and little hand using chopsticks, trying  to pick them up

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Fred's Box

Created by Mum Clare, Fred's Box, is a unique gifting service that offers one off and three, six and twelve month subscriptions of minifigures. 

We were lucky enough to receive one this week and I really wanted to share it with you!

Our Fred's Box arrived super quick and was through the door the day after the order was placed.

White box with a 'Fred's Box' label on the lid

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Movie of the week!

A few months ago we caught the end of one of the Despicable Me films and Joseph took a shine to Gru's yellow little assistants, the Minions. From this he developed a little love for them and we've been watching Minions here and there for the last couple of months but this week is has become an obsession! 

That's why Minions is our movie of the week! 

Minions poster

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Oriental Fan

It seems ages since I've done a craft blog, so its time to get back into the swing of things!

As I write this Chinese New Year is near, so I thought it only right for it be part of this craft! So, here's how to make a super easy oriental fan!

Completed fan

Returning to work? How being super organised can get you through it!

Your returning to work after maternity/parental leave and your new parent anxiety is at a new high. Not only are you leaving your little bundle at nursery/childminder/grandparents, your going to be mixing with people. Real people. Not Mr Bloom and the Teletubbies. Actual real people! 

You'll go from changing tables to office tables and back from water-cooler chat to making bottles.

Keep calm when returning to the office with my top tips. 

Desk with computer monitor, filofax, tape, notepad and planner

Monday, 23 January 2017

Book of the week!

This week's book of the week is the super cute, Peter Rabbit, Tickle Tickle Peter.

Cover of the book

Saturday, 21 January 2017


Sponsored Post

I love a bargain.

In fact, I've come to love bargains so much that I don't like paying full price for anything anymore. Whether it be a standard sale, a voucher code or cashback sites I have to have a reduction!

I've decided to start doing a post once a month about the best bargains, cashback sites and vouchers.

First off is voucher code site Dealfy.

Dealfy logo

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Movie of the week!

Just keep reading, reading, reading, all you have to do is guess this week's movie of the week! Of course, its Finding Dory!!!

Finding Dory poster

Conkers, Derbyshire

Conkers, situated in the National Forest, is advertised as a world of adventure and discovery for the whole family but is it suitable for a two year old? 

Well, we visited Conkers on a damp New Years Eve. With a day free and some Tesco Days Out vouchers to use up, we found it to be the nearest place to visit.

Exterior of Conkers visitors centre

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Charity Spotlight Update - Heidi Luckraft / Dazzle

Back in October I featured Heidi as my charity of the month as part of my Charity Spotlight blogs. 

Battling Lyme Disease, her and her family were, and still are, desperate to raise funds for her treatment abroad.

Heidi lays ill in a hospital bed

Fancy trying food dehydration?

Sponsored Post

January is full of health kicks, fitness and resolutions. There's so many to choose from but which is for you?

Well, how about food dehydration?

Green and yellow fruit and veg, chopped and in a flatlay

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Movie of the week!

Regular readers will know that I run a weekly book review due to my little ones obsession with reading and being read to. Books though aren't the only form of entertainment he likes as he's also partial to the a bit of television! 

Now let me be clear. He doesn't sit in front of the TV for hours and hours on end. He spends most of his time playing with his toys, especially his cars but when something grabs his attention he'll sit and watch it.

Like lots of children he has lots of sudden obsessions and we find ourselves reading the same books and watching the same films or TV shows over and over again. So, just as we do with the books I thought I'd start sharing our movie of the week!

This weeks movie is Monster University! 

Monster University movie poster

Monday, 9 January 2017

Book of the week!

With the Christmas and New Year behind us here's a new non-festive book of the week, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

Book cover

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Recycle Upcycle Christmas Card - Wreath

Today brings the last of our Christmas card upcycle recycling projects and for this one we are going to make a wreath ready for next year.

Completed wreath made with older christmas cards

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Recycle Upcycle Christmas Cards - Window Scene Cards

Today brings our second Christmas card craft and its making a new set of Christmas cards from your existing ones. If you read my previous post you'll remember I suggested splitting the cards into piles and that one should be of cards that make good window scenes. 

Completed cards

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Recycle Upcycle Christmas Cards - Tags

The decorations are down and you've got a stack of Christmas cards to dispose of but what do you do with them? 

Throw them in the bin? 

Pile of Christmas cards

Monday, 2 January 2017

Book of the week!

The Christmas tree maybe down but we're still a bit festive on the book front this week!

This week's book of the week is pop-up book, The Christmas Bear by Ian Whybrow.

Christmas Bear book