
Showing posts with label HEALTH & FIBROMYALGIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH & FIBROMYALGIA. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Why I'm Glad To See The Back Of 2019!

Well, 2019 has been and gone and what a year it has been. To be quite honest I am glad to see the back if it.

Here's why............

2019 in a firework type font

Monday, 1 July 2019

How Poor Diet Affects Your Health

Collaborative Post

If I've learnt anything from living with Fibromyalgia, Endrometriosis and other health issues, it's that your diet can have a huge affect on your health. 

If you would like to make the most out of your health, you will have to start paying more attention to your diet. We talk about recipes and diet in particular a lot but it all seems like hard work. In case you just need a bit of more motivation or would like to understand the health benefits of having a balanced diet, have a little read of this post. 

Knowing myself about the health risks of not managing your diet, I know that sometimes you need to see the facts in writing before you take them seriously and make a change. 

Empty plate with a knife and fork, and a sat face drawn on it

Friday, 3 May 2019

5 Ways I Manage My Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a strange illness. One day your fine and the next you're off your feet, hardly able to move. Bad days can vary from migraines to stiff joints, IBS to exhaustion, and it takes a while to get yourself feeling normal again.

Having suffered with Fibro for a couple of years, I have a couple of ways I help to manage the chronic pain and illness that it brings with it. 

Piece of paper with Diagnosis and Fibromyalgia written on it, with medication and tablets laid around it

Friday, 22 March 2019

5 Things You Need To Battle The Chickenpox

Disclaimer - I'm just a mum trying her best and am in no shape or form a medical professional. If you're concerned about your child's health please seek professional medical advice.

It'll be no surprise to those of you that follow me on Instagram that my latest blog post is about chickenpox!!

Just over a week ago we spotted the first few spots on JJ as we started to get ready for his friend's birthday party. As the afternoon went on there were more and more and soon enough they were everywhere! We had a really scary experience with JJ a few months ago were his temperature was out of control and he was monitored through the night by a GP via the 111 service and was very nearly admitted to hospital. With this in mind I was keen to get things under control and keep him as well as possible.

Using advice from the NHS website and from those that had recently had it themselves or children had, we complied our essentials for battling chickenpox.

Flatlay showing porridge oats, calamine lotion, calpol, lego magazine and dvd and a pair of socks

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

It's OK To Say No!

Collaborative Post

In the past I've shared my fertility and health troubles, and I've recently shared a guest post about Fibromyalgia too. Many of you have contacted me and said it's helped to explain to your family and friends how you feel and why some days are harder than others.

With this in mind I wanted to share another post before the Christmas rush, hustle and bustle start. I feel this is an important one and it's for everyone, not just those of us with chronic pain, Fibro etc. 

Whether you work full-time, part-time, are a stay at home parent, a full time carer, step parent or child free, this is important.

As we take a step nearer to Christmas and the craziness that surrounds it I say's OK to say no. 

Neon sign that says NO

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Things I Want You to Know as a Fibromyalgia Sufferer

Many of you will know that I have Fibromyalgia. As a condition it can be hard to describe how it effects you and how it makes you feel.

The middle section of a woman in PJs, under a blanket with a hot water bottle

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Dealing With Childhood Eczema

I know to well what it can be like to have eczema. Growing up I often had irritable patches, which were sore, painful and, as a teenager, a little bit embarrassing.

It was something I certainly didn't want for my little boy but unfortunately it happened, and it happened very early in his life. At his two week check up the Health Visitor noticed some dry patches on his skin. She told me to stop using certain products and to go soap free, which we did. Yet, it still got worse. Much worse. 

I really felt like I'd let him down, especially when some of his skin got infected. After some back and forth with the GP until he was around 5 months old, we were referred to the hospital to see a specialist. 

Baby sitting in a bumbo chair with a toy in front of him. His face shows sore, dry, eczema skin

Saturday, 22 September 2018

5 Easy Self Care Moments

Collaborative Post

Whether you work full-time, part-time or are a stay at home parent, life can throw a lot at you. 

If you start to feel a little bogged down and that everything is getting a bit much its important to take a step back and have some time to yourself. Maybe act as your own therapist. Being busy and stressed though doesn't always make this easy, so here are five easy self care things to do. Little moments for you.

Have a cup of tea and a slice of cake

Us Brits love our cups of tea and we're fond of a piece of cake too! In times of crisis we often dish out cups of sweet tea, like a band-aid to fix everything, no matter how big of small.

A table with a cup and saucer, teapot and a cake on a plate, which is resting on an open book

Thursday, 28 June 2018

11 Years Of Marriage

OK, so I probably should of wrote a really soppy blog post last year on our 10 year anniversary but I never got round to it and suddenly here we are another year on.

I'm sure with all of our bickering plenty of people thought we wouldn't get to 11 years of marriage. Some certainly thought we were too young to get married, yet here we are.

Husband and wife smiling

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Living With Fibromyalgia

Today has been a crappy day. I've had to go back to my GP and am on another course of antibiotics. 

Pile of different coloured tablets