If you happened to be hanging around social media around the 25th June you might have noticed the 'only 6 months until Christmas' posts. For some six months is a longtime but for many, especially those on a budget, it could only be five or six pay days away and that makes it a bit scary.
Then there's the planning. Who to buy for, what to buy, cards to write, food to order, baking to do, the list grows, and to be honest, we probably put way to much on ourselves in a bid to achieve what we think is the perfect Christmas.
Spreading out the jobs to do and the things to buy over a number of week's can make you stay on top of all that's to be done and help you spread the cost too. When it comes to Christmas I'm one of those plan as early as possible type of people. I've already done some lists and yes, I've even picked up a couple of presents! It's the Snowy Owl and Brownie Leader in me!! Be prepared!
So, do you want to be super organised? Have a more relaxed Christmas and maybe save a few quid too? Well, join me for A Very Snowy Christmas as we plan over the next 25 weeks for an organised festive period.
Week 1
We're going to start our Christmas planning by making a couple of lists, so treat yourself to a nice new notepad or Christmas planner. Have a look at Amazon's planner selection here.
Let's start with your Christmas card list. Write out all of the people you usually send a card to. Make sure to include family members, both close and extended, friends, work colleagues, neighbours, children's teachers etc. Now, once you've got everyone on that list read through it and mark those that you'd usually buy special cards for with an S (for special) or a star. Keep the list safe as we'll go over it again next week.
Next, you're going to write out your Christmas gift list. When you right this list out you'll need to make sure you have four columns. These will be for the recipients name, the gift, budget and what you've actually spent. Make sure everyone you usually buy gifts for, include those you might usually forget and buy last minute, like teacher gifts, a tin of choccies for the binmen or treats for the family dog. Again, keep the list safe as we'll go over it again next week.
Week 2 of A Very Snowy Christmas will be back next Monday and we'll be going back over those lists and aiming to reducing them down as much as possible. So, have a think...........do you have a relative that you only see to exchange Christmas gifts? Have a lot of your friends stopped sending Christmas cards and put a message on Facebook instead? These are all things to think about before next week.
See you then.
Mummy Snowy Owl
I love preparation and lists help me keep sane especially during Christmas and the run up to it X #anythinggoes