
Monday, 15 July 2019

A Very Snowy Christmas - 25 Weeks For An Organised Christmas Week 3

Welcome back to A Very Snowy Christmas.

This week is week number 3 and we're getting ready for all those presents you're going to buy early!

Christmas tree surrounded by presents with the text week 3 across the front

It's time to clear out and create a very good hiding spot and a great hiding spot means keeping the magic alive! Or keeping nosy parkers at bay (I'm looking at you Granny!!)

Ideally, you want somewhere out of reach of the kids or a place where they'd never be without adult supervision.

A great hiding spots for your Christmas gifts include the top of the wardrobe, under the bed, in the loft, in the shed or garage. I'd also suggest putting them in a container or box so the contents can't be easily spotted in a bag. This not only keeps the gifts dust free and clean but also puts in an extra security measure for those likely to go looking for your hiding spot. 

We use under bed storage like these available at Amazon and these at eBay. Due to the height of our bed you can't pull them out without the bed being moved or lifted. It's a bit of a pain but it keeps prying eyes away, especially with it having all fabric sides! 

So, clear out your spot and get ready for next week, because we're going to discuss making a start on that gift list!!

See you then!

Mummy Snowy Owl

My Random Musings

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