
Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Tidy Stuff - Bras

Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head. No, not coconuts! Boobs! If' you've got them the chances are you've got bras too, but whether they are big or small, bras can be a bit fiddly to keep tidy and organised. 

Bras laying neatly in a tray as a pair of hands lifts one out

So, as part of the Tidy Stuff series, here's five ways to store your bras.

Laundry Bag (£3.99)
Laundry bags for delicates

If you've got bras and pants that match, a laundry bag will help you keep them paired and you can use the same bag for the washing too!

Drawer Dividers (£5.79) 

Plastic drawer dividers

These are probably the most popular option when it comes to keeping your bras tidy and they can also be used for pants and socks. Check before ordering that you can section them off to fit your bra size, as these don't always work with larger bras.

Hanging Organisation (£9.99)

Hanging bag storage showing bras and underwear in the pockets

Hanging bra organisation is great if you've got space in your wardrobe or on the back of a door. Go for a full hanging bag or simple command hooks to keep things neat.

Bra Tree (£8.99)

Bra trees, which is what many people call these special hangers, are quite a new discovery for me and I only know about them as a friend recently bought some! These are great bra storage if you like everything hanging up but don't have the space for a full hanging organisation.

Bra Box (£4.89)
Sectioned box being used as bra storage
These bra boxes are great if you lack drawer space and can be easily stored under beds, at the bottom of wardrobes or on shelves. 

Hopefully these bra storage solutions have helped give you some ideas for your own storage and will help you on your way to a tidier home. We've all got 'stuff'' we just need to know how to store it or hide it! 

Mummy Snowy Owl

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