
Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Getting Organsied With Design Bundles

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Raise your hand if your routine has gone out of the window since we've all been spending more time inside and at home!!! I know ours has!!! We've gradually slept in later, fallen behind with homeschooling, had late dinners, even later bedtimes and just got a bit lax with EVERYTHING!!! This coupled with little sleep and the stresses that we all face on a day to day basis, and all heightened under the current climate, I barely know what I'm doing from one day to the next and that's even if I know what day it is!! So, it's time to get my house in order, as well as my mind, my cupboards and just about everything else going!! 

Flat lay picture showing a diary pens and a daily planner

As a family we really need routine. If we don't have a rough idea of what we're doing on a day to day basis or just an idea of errands or jobs around the house that need doing, our day will easily be wasted away with TV, tech and just aimless scrolling and laziness!! This often brings bickering along with it and a 6 year old saying 'I'm bored' as he's surrounded by toys!!! 

Getting organised is always easy said than actually done but it's also something that requires action not just words and good intentions!! Personally, I love a good list when getting organised!! I'll often jot down every little thing I need to do and take way to much satisfaction in ticking them off!!  

Sadly, I'm also a fan of procrastination. Social media, random YouTube videos, random news articles, Netflix and random cats walking up the street, I'll find an excuse to distract myself. So, if I really want to get myself organised and back into a better routine I also force myself into a daily plan. 

There are some great daily planners out there and I'm a big fan of printables. Finding a planner you can download and print not only supports an independent designer but you can download the file and print it over and over at a usually low cost. I'm currently using this printable from DesignBundles. 

Flat lay showing a printed daily planner and pens

It includes an hourly schedule, spaces for a to do list and priorities, reminders and ideas. There's even a spot to note your mood, water intake and a space to note your gratitude. So far, it's helping me more productive, prioritise and make my day a little easier. It also helps to feel like I've achieved something by the end of the day! 

If you're not used to using printables and downloadable files it can sometimes be tricky to find what you need and you may struggle to find them in one complete place. This could lead to hours of searching and clicking only to have to download and save items from lots of different sites, including ones that you may not have used before and may feel reluctant or concerned to use. I always think it’s best to use a site you’ve used before, are familiar with or have been recommended.

Personally, I'm a fan of Design Bundles. They have a huge range of printables and design resources at a low cost, along with free ones too. There are savings available up to 50% off the recommended retail price and their designs are created by a huge amount of independent designers. Meaning when you order from them you’re probably supporting a small independent business too, which is something I'm a big fan of, especially in the current climate. 

There’s a huge amount of different files on offer too, so this is a resource that every single type of crafter can use. There are downloads and patterns available for embroidery design, scrapbooking and papercutting. There's printables for every type of task or activity, with planners, reward charts and colouring pages, there's plenty ways of getting creative on a simple day to day basis.

There are free design resources each week, which is great for those of us running or supporting local groups, such as uniformed groups like Brownies and Guides, or community resource centres. It also means that those wanting to be a little creative whilst on a budget can try new things to! 

There are also files for every type of event, party and season! Quotes, sign bundles, various festive designs, Halloween packs and pretty wedding pieces, so if you're looking for simple printable to help you get through the day in a creative way or a card making kit Design Bundles will probably have what you need.

Mummy Snowy Owl

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