
Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Is it time to ditch the pushchair?

My little boy is a charming and cheeky two year old.  He’s inquisitive and can be adventurous when the mood takes him. He occasionally has the standard toddler meltdown, although I’m grateful these rarely take place in public. So far there’s been very few throwing himself on the floor, kicking his legs, drawing attention to himself, and in turn me, incidents.

The main cause for that though is not that he’s a complete angel or that I’ve got parenting sussed. It’s because there’s a knight in shining armour or shall we say on wheels? A secure chariot. His pushchair.

Little boy sitting in a pushchair, playing with an oven mitt and laughing

Where ever we go he willingly gets into his pushchair. The shops, the city centre or a theme park, he will climb aboard and let me strap him in. There’s none of the body popping that sometimes comes when I try to get him in his car seat. Even if a meltdown does occur he is strapped in and going nowhere. I can exit quickly and there’s no need for a rugby ball style mummy hold.

BUT I wonder, am I dragging out the pushchair usage?

He can walk and walks well but he’s not the greatest hand holder. He’s a hold your hand nicely for five seconds and wiggle out of your grip type of hand holder. He’s also a very good runner. He’s like the Usain Bolt of toddlers. I hadn’t actually realised how quick I could move until he made a dash for the exit of our local supermarket, towards the very busy car park.

Letting him walk freely not only makes me nervous but it also means I’ve got to face facts. He’s growing up. I should be letting him walk more often. Letting him spread his wings but I want him to be safe and secure. I want him to be near to me. He’s my baby. As a tall two year old though not only does he look out of place in his pushchair, I’m forced to admit he’s not a baby anymore.

It might be time to ditch the pushchair.

Mummy Snowy Owl

1 comment:

  1. If the pushchair works for you then use it. My daughter was in her pushchair until 3, then she was kicked out when her baby brother arrived #brillblogposts
