
Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Getting ready for Pancake Day with Dylon!

Shrove Tuesday. Pancakes, syrup, oranges, lemons, chocolate spread and more pancakes. It's easy to get caught up in a stack of pancakes and what to have with them! But what if you want to try something different?

Something a bit crafty?? Something that's not completely food related??

Regular readers will know that my little boy, Joseph, loves to bake and cook so I decided to get us prepared for Pancake Day and future kitchen activities by getting him an apron! But it was a bit plain and the chef's hat we had was a bit battered and had seen better days.

Little boy smiling whilst dressed as a chef

He wasn't impressed when he caught sight of himself, so I decided to make it a bit unique and we whipped out the Dylon and gave tie dyeing a whirl again.

Grumpy looking little boy dressed as a chef.

Before I'd used Dylon to fresh up our muggies I was always a bit dubious of dyeing clothes, especially in my washing machine, but with such success last time I was keen to try it again! 

Plain white apron and hat with elastic bands and a box of dylon

All we needed was the apron, hat, a few elastic bands and a box of dye!

Fabric with elastic bands tied around pieces of it

Dyed fabric

As you can see babs is happy with the results and loves his Jeans Blue apron and chef's hat, even giving it a "wow, cool".

Very happy boy dressed as a chef holding a pan and spatula  Very happy boy dressed as a chef holding a pan and spatula

Very happy boy dressed as a chef holding a pan and spatula  Very happy boy dressed as a chef holding a pan and spatula

If you want to try something a bit different for Shrove Tuesday why not create your own unique apron with Dylon and get ready for all the pancake flipping! It's even easier now that the salt's included in the pack!


Mummy Snowy Owl

Item gifted

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