Over the past few years I've written and created lots of Halloween posts. With lots to make and bake, most are budget things to try at Halloween and as lots of you love them I thought I'd share my favourite ones here for you so you don't need to search around anymore!
Who knew jelly could create such a gruesome dessert?? I certainly didn't! Use with a brain shaped mold and add sweets for an awesome brainy treat!
One of my first ever Halloween crafts was and still is very popular but what I love about it is that it's super cheap to make. Simply wrap bandages around glass jars and glue on googly eyes and you have Spooky Mummy Tealights!
A favourite of the boys in our house, these Eyeball Cakes are yummy and effective!
Easy to make and tasty too, a normal cake mix with a little colouring, icing and a bag of eyeball tweets goes along way
Another craft, this Pumpkin Picture and Bunting is one you can do with your mini crafters!
Let the little ones do the stamping and the big ones do the drawing and cutting out. Its a cute craft to give you homemade decorations.
These are again easy to make so the kids can get involved. All you need is a tub of ready made gingerbread men, white icing and a bag of chocolate chips. Great for a party!
Which of my Halloween posts is your favourite? Let me known in the comments!
Mummy Snowy Owl
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