
Tuesday, 19 October 2021

A Very Snowy Christmas, 20 Weeks To A Very Organised Christmas!! Week 11!!

Welcome back to A Very Snowy Christmas, 20 Weeks To A Very Organised Christmas!! Week11!!! 

How is it week 11 already??

Christmas flatlay with a planner, wrapping paper and ribbon near it

This week it is time to.........
  • Ask the kids to write their Christmas lists
  • Make a start on ordering or purchasing their gifts
  • Make a note on what you ask other people to get your kids, so there are no duplications
  • If you're an Elf on the Shelf kind of family, now is a good time to start making a list of your ideas
If you're a kid free household you get a bit of a break this week, so if you've fallen a bit behind now is the perfect time to go over old posts and catch-up!

Pop back next week to get more organised for Christmas. 

Mummy Snowy Owl


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