
Monday, 4 June 2018



Evenings in can get a bit repetitive! A movie here, a Netflix binge there, it's easy to end up doing the same things over and over. You might be a  bit bored. You might even contemplate doing the ironing!!!


There's much more to be done. After our recent fun with Yeti in My Spaghetti we decided to give another board game a go. This one though is for 8+ so is more for the grownups, so JJ sat this one out but he's keen to give it a try!

Staccups by University Games is a four player game, that sees you race against your opponent to stack all your cups first. 

Staccups box

Each cup has a coloured cap added to it and they are split between the players. 

Staccups box and contents including cups, caps and podiums

Podium and stacking cups

The game starts by pushing the button in the centre of the podium to find out which colour you will start with. 

Podium with changing colour circles

Your first cup must match that colour on the podium and your next cup must match the cap of that cup and so on. 

Cups being stacked on the podium

When all the players can't match the cup to the cap you press the podium button again until you have a winner. 

When I was first asked to give Staccups I try I was concerned it was more complicated than it was and I wasn't sure if I'd like it but I really do! The instructions are easy to follow and it is super easy to play. Much to Daddy's dismay I also won all 3 of our games!!!!! It's also small enough to take away on holidays, so it'll be joining us in a few weeks in the caravan! 

Even though this game is for 8+ I feel it could help younger players with learning colours and playing with accuracy. I also think it could help older player keep their minds alert and I'll be asking Granny for game, although she will probably cheat as always!

If you'd like to give Staccups it's available at Amazon here.

Mummy Snowy Owl

Item gifted

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