
Sunday 24 June 2018

Proceive Advanced Fertility Supplements


Fertility, for those that don't know, is the very reason that I started this blog.

An outlet for emotions and a diary of experiences, starting the blog then called Katie C, was like therapy for me. After 6 years of trying to conceive, miscarriages, Endometriosis diagnosis, two laparoscopy, a tube flush, a batch of Clomid, multiple admissions for reduced movements and a traumatic birth, we have our boy! Woohoo! And he's now 4!

Sadly, though we haven't been blessed with anymore. Even after two rounds of Clomid there is no little brother or sister for JJ. 

I'm always keen though to try something different and in finding a natural approach to my Fibromyalgia works well, I've started to feel that it could be the way to go for our fertility too. 

So when I was asked to try the natural fertility supplement Proceive, I obviously said yes! 

Picture of the packet of supplements

Proceive contains all the vitamins you need for conception including folic acid,  iron, various B vitamins, copper and calcium to name just a few!

Taking two a day, it helps both Mummy and Daddy prepare for conception.

We've recently been taking the supplements so can't share if we've got the desired result yet!

From my experience though, I've felt that my endo is better and the symptoms have subsided, my monthly's have also not been as painful or heavy and although I've been a little emotional, it's certainly not as bad as it has been!

So we know something is happening and the Proceive is working and having positive effects on my body and now we just need to see what the future holds.........

Mummy Snowy Owl