
Showing posts sorted by date for query book of the week. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query book of the week. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week isn't a long one. Movie that is, not the review! At half an hour long its a good one for quiet time and it will be very familiar to many of you.

This week's movie of the week is...............We're Going on a Bear Hunt! 

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Book of the week!

With so much going on at home Joseph has spent the time we've had with his toys, running round, being boisterous and well, just being a boy, so the reading of books has been a rarity. When it has happened though the books have been the same as Joseph, noisy! 

So, this week's book of the week is Noisy Pirates!

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week is a little familiar as it also happens to be our book of the week! Yep, it's The Gruffalo

Gruffalo movie cover

Monday 6 February 2017

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Book of the week!

There are lots of books about Mummies. Mummy animals, Mummy Pig and us human mummies all feature heavily in baby and toddler books.

The more Joseph became a bookworm, the more I realised we had plenty of Mummy books but not any Daddy books! So, when I spotted I love my daddy in our local WH Smith I bought it straight away and gifted it to my husband as part of his Father's Day present from Joseph.

"A book about Daddies" he exclaimed when he opened it. He and Joseph read it lots that week and it's become a favourite again recently. That's why this week's book of the week is I love my daddy.

Monday 23 January 2017

Book of the week!

This week's book of the week is the super cute, Peter Rabbit, Tickle Tickle Peter.

Cover of the book

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Movie of the week!

Regular readers will know that I run a weekly book review due to my little ones obsession with reading and being read to. Books though aren't the only form of entertainment he likes as he's also partial to the a bit of television! 

Now let me be clear. He doesn't sit in front of the TV for hours and hours on end. He spends most of his time playing with his toys, especially his cars but when something grabs his attention he'll sit and watch it.

Like lots of children he has lots of sudden obsessions and we find ourselves reading the same books and watching the same films or TV shows over and over again. So, just as we do with the books I thought I'd start sharing our movie of the week!

This weeks movie is Monster University! 

Monster University movie poster

Monday 9 January 2017

Book of the week!

With the Christmas and New Year behind us here's a new non-festive book of the week, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

Book cover

Monday 2 January 2017

Book of the week!

The Christmas tree maybe down but we're still a bit festive on the book front this week!

This week's book of the week is pop-up book, The Christmas Bear by Ian Whybrow.

Christmas Bear book

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Book of the week!

This week's book of the week is a day or two late as we've been enjoying the festive period! As part of that we've been enjoying a very festive book, Santa is coming to Nottingham.

Santa is coming to Nottingham book

Monday 19 December 2016

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Book of the week!

Joseph has always been a bit of a book worm. As soon as he could roll around he would edge towards books over toys. Our shelves are now full of bought, gifted and handed down books. There's a huge and varied selection, with the favourite changing on a weekly basis. So, I thought I'd start a weekly post about the current fave, what its about and where you can get it.

Our first book is The Usbourne Dinosaur Jigsaw Book.

Smiling toddler boy holding up the book

Monday 3 October 2016

Lakeland Maze Farm Park

Those of you that look at my Instagram will know that we have been away on holiday for the last week to the glorious, yet very wet, Lake District.

We've been out and about and visited lots of different places with the little dude in tow. The first, found after a basic 'things to do with kids in the lake district' google search, was the fab Lakeland Maze Farm Park.

Lakeland logo

Saturday 3 September 2016

There's A Fault On The Line!

As I write this one of my oldest friends is in slow labour with her first child. I feel all kind of emotions. Excited for the new arrival and that my friend is joining me on the mummy journey but nervous for her at the same time knowing what she still has to go through.

I find myself wondering if this time next year I could be holding my own new arrival. Another hobbit sized person in our home and our family.

The chances are I won't be.

I had hoped by Christmas I'd be giddy on Clomid again. I say giddy its more hot, hormonal, tearful and a bit sweaty. Yes, I had hoped for this but it would mean we are closer to having another baby.

After the cock up at the doctor's last week it now seems so far away.

Toy train on a wood track

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Doing Disney With A Toddler In Tow!!

Last September, after much deliberation and sums we booked to go Disneyland Paris in January. Last minute as ever we finally booked on the last day of their special offer, within hours of the cut off!! With only a few months until the holiday, Christmas in-between and a toddler in tow we decided that planning and organisation were key to saving us a few quid and making it as stress free as possible!

So I'm going to share with you what we did each day, how our trip went and how being prepared made our trip to Disneyland Paris easy, even with a toddler on his first trip abroad!

Mum and Dad with a toddler on Main Street at Disneyland Paris with castle in the background

Sunday 10 July 2016

It's never to early to mention the C word!

I acknowledge its July and that most of you will want to punch me in the face when you read this BUT we are now half way through the year and that time is fast approaching. Yes, I mean Christmas!!! Once the children return to school we are on the cost ridden slide down to the 25th December!

Wrapped Christmas gifts

Does it still seem ages away? Well, what if I said Christmas is now only twenty-four weeks away! Doesn't sound long does it. For many it is only five more pay days away! If you gasped a little like I did when I worked it out don't worry we've got this covered. Let's get things in order now to avoid stress come December. As everyone else dashes round in a mad panic you can sit and relax, sip hot chocolate in your onesie and watch Elf for the forty-seventh time.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Live Lagom - Living Sustainably - The Final Blog

When we started on this journey back in the autumn I never expected it to change our lives. I was the person that signed up in the hope of saving money and the joy of being given £500 to spend at Ikea! But it has honestly changed our lives. It's changed our house into a home. It's made us more aware of where things come from and if it's from a sustainable source. It's made us recycle more, which I didn't think possible. It's made us declutter, donate and share on. Somehow, it has given me more confidence, more faith in myself and what we, as a family and individuals, are trying to achieve.

Yes, we have saved money and yes, we got to spend £500 but the task the team at Ikea set themselves, to teach about living lagom and sustainability teaches so much more than that. 'Living Lagom' is about living just right. With just enough, not too little or too much. With that comes an awareness of your waste and how wasteful you can be. Our waste was in food and energy.

A selection of ikea products