
Saturday 28 April 2018

Kedleston Hall

We love visiting National Trust places. It's something both my husband and I were brought up on and wanted to carry on with our little boy.

When we became members nearly two years ago I wondered if there would be much for us to enjoy as a family but we've been to so many places! Our latest visit was to Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire, a country house built in 1759. 

A large country house

Thursday 26 April 2018

3 Things Parenthood Makes You Realise About Your Own Parents

Collaborative Post

Once upon a time your parents were the gatekeepers. The people that stopped you having fun, or at least tried to control it! Admittedly, every child goes through a phase (or five) where they think their parents are deliberately trying to sabotage their pleasure. The world is full of rules and to a child's mind they're just not fair.

A little boy laying on the grass with his arms folded

Monday 23 April 2018

Our Home Improvement Adventures

Collaborative Post

For those that follow me on Instagram, you'll know that we've been having some work done to our house.

Recently, our full large drafty windows are gone and our home is more cosy as a result, but that cosy feeling has been a long time coming! We'd originally planned to have the work done when we moved into the house seven years ago! The arrival of a certain little boy, a lack of funds and a need for a new car put that on the back burner. Then after a few too many evenings of sitting under more than one blanket and nights of our three year old waking up and saying he was cold it was time to get our finger out and have the work done.

It was messy. It was cold. It was slightly ridiculous to have new windows fitted in February. Oh, and I know I've said it already but THE MESS! There was so much mess!!!

DIY tools laid out

Could Being A Mum Be The Skill That Builds Your Career?

Collaborative Post

The idea of getting back to work as a mummy is always framed as a challenge. I can tell you from experience that it's difficult to get back into the swing of things you haven't done for some time. Not to mention the new family and work balance that you'll need to find. 

Instead of looking at motherhood as an obstacle though, can you look at it as a resource? 

There's a selection of careers where being a mum can lift you into a new role. Here's a few ideas that could shape your career.

A desk with balance sheet, calculator, business paper, stationary, coffee on it, along with a manicured pair of hands using a phone

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Ooooo Craft Chocolate

Collaborative Post

As a craft blogger I know that the word ‘craft’ can mean a lot of things. It can mean getting sticky with glue and glitter but it can also be related to food and drink. Craft all comes down to creativity and what the creator want to have at the end of it.

You might want to brew your own beer at home, with the possibility of opening a micropub if you have the knack for it. You might want to make birthday cards or wedding invites, with a view to starting your own online shop. Maybe you want to simply bake a few show stopping cakes to share with your friends.

A rise in craft beers and craft coffee came from people being passionate about what they were creating. This passion is spreading and recently I’ve discovered that craft in the food world is spreading over to chocolate! Yes! Chocolate!! Craft Chocolate! Obviously this has made me very excited! Chocolate is one of my fave things. EVER.

Pieces of broken up chocolate

Tuesday 17 April 2018

3 Ideas For A Very British Holiday By The Water

Collaborative Post

More often than not, when you think of British summer holidays, it’s likely that you picture a sandy beach in Wales but drenched by the rain! Where holidaymakers dressed in waterproofs and wellington boots watch the horizon while eating fish and chips, huddled together under an umbrella.

There’s a form of grey, cold, damp misery that we repeatedly associate with the British weather, and of course British summer holidays, but it doesn't have to be like that at all!

If being by the sea is a key element of your holiday and you want to avoid the disappointing rain and dampness, here are three places for you to try! So if you're still planning your summer break add these to your list! Both abroad and in the UK they are all quintessentially British but bring you fun by the water!

Camera on top of a British flag

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Easter Leftover Rocky Road

Easter's been and gone, but if your home is anything like ours there's still signs of it everywhere. Mostly in the form of huge amounts of chocolate and bunny themed treats!

If you want to combine them and streamline your chocolate stockpile this little bake is ideal!

Rocky Road along with glasses of milk

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Living With Fibromyalgia

Today has been a crappy day. I've had to go back to my GP and am on another course of antibiotics. 

Pile of different coloured tablets

Saturday 31 March 2018

Eggcellent Easter Cake!!

So, you have your Easter all planned out. Perhaps you've planned to have friends or family round and you want an eye catching bake!

Well, how about this easy and quick Eggcellent Easter Cake!

A cake covered in frosting, mini chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Our Easter Buys!

If you've been into any high street shops recently you'll see that they've really upped their game when it comes to Easter. More chocolate treats, more food and more decorations!

Prices vary dependent on where you shop but there are great things to be found! Normally I'm all about the homemade and handmade, like the Easter Wreath and Bunting that we made last Easter but this year I have treated us a little and picked up a few things. Probably too many! 

I thought I'd share with you what we've picked up and what we have planned for the long weekend!

First, decorations!! These are what really sucked me in when out shopping and made me go a little Easter crazy! 

Easter wreath, bunny tablecloth, and a wooden bunny sign

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Gin & Tonic Lime Drizzle Cake

Gin is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks at the moment and as its popularity grows, more and more flavours and serving styles are being created. This has begun to include food and with this in mind I've created this very grown up bake, a Gin and Tonic Lime Drizzle Cake!

Look how yummy it looks!

A picture of the gin & tonic cake and a cup of tea