
Wednesday, 14 July 2021

5 Places To Sell Old Toys

Many of you loved the last toy related post, 5 Things To Do With Old Toys, and after sharing on my socials I got a couple of DM's asking if I could share some ideas on where to sell them! So here goes! 

Here's 5 Places To Sell Old Toys!


eBay is probably the selling site we are all familiar with and have sold and bought via at some point in our lives. It can be a little time consuming to list and it doesn't mean they are all going to sell straight away, plus you'll also need to take the listing fees into consideration. There are some benefits though, with seller protection offered and your items being seen by lots of people compared to a local listing on social media. 

Toy Sales

Although these are a little on the rare side at the moment because of COVID and it's restrictions, but a few are starting to pop up. Most of these are via local places like Sure Start Centres, local councils or church halls. Keep an eye out in the local press, in free magazines, libraries and the local spotted pages on Facebook for news of any sales.


I recently started selling items on Facebook and it's super easy to list items, plus there's no selling fees but there are some down sides. You will get some time wasters and I personally don't feel you get the safety element you get from eBay. Selling on Facebook means selling local and people will collect from your door, which means giving a stranger your address. Whilst you may do this on eBay you have the benefit of seeing their star rating and feedback first, which can offer you a little reassurance. Unfortunately this isn't something you can do on Facebook. 


Personally, I didn't have any luck selling on Shpock but I know plenty of people that have in the past. It's very easy to list on and appeals to those local looking for a bargain, but I don't think it's known about widely enough to guarantee you a good amount of toy sales.

Car Boot Sale

Again, this is something that there hasn't been a lot of recently but they do seem to be popping up again. For the car boot life though you have to be committed to a very, very early start and you'll need to make sure you have plenty of change. It's also good to go in twos in case you need a toilet break or for an extra pair of eyes on your stall.

So, now you've cleared through your toys and given them a good clean, you're all ready to get your sale on!

Mummy Snowy Owl


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