
Wednesday, 27 March 2019

3 Budget Ideas To Get Your Little One Involved In The Garden

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It’s March and following the equinox on the 20th, many people now say it is officially spring! The nights are lighter, the days brighter and air a little warmer. I’ve even started to hang washing out on the line so it must be warm!!

For many, and if budget allows, we start to think about holidays, school breaks and enjoying the outdoors. This year things will be low budget for us and we plan to have some time away in our little old bargain caravan!

We also plan to have a lot of time out in the garden and hope to spend some time entertaining friends and having a tipple or two! Every year we say we are going to make use of our garden and keep it weed free and well maintained but we never do! Now, with a four year old to entertain we’re finally acting like proper grownups and have made an early start. As mentioned in my Prepare Your Winter Garden For Spring post, we’ve cleaned and spruced, jet washed and scrubbed, weeded and cutback and planted seeds and bulbs. We still have some maintenance to do and, if I can get it cheap enough, I’d like some comfortable garden furniture but we are almost there.

Water pouring from a watering can over baby plants

With a child to entertain though our garden can’t be all gin and comfortable outdoor chairs! Our 4 year old, and sometimes a little feral, son will need something to keep him entertained. He loves to play out into the garden. Whether it be playing with his outdoor toys, digging and helping with the weeding or just spinning round the rotary washing line, he loves being outside and taking in the fresh air!

If you’re thinking of making the most of your garden this year and want a few things that your little one can do to get involved, here’s three budget ideas to try.

Get Growing
A grow bag or seed tray, a couple of canes and a selection of fruit and vegetable seeds or plants could help them get green little fingers! Help them plant the seeds and let them take care of the watering. 

Seedlings in trays

They’ll get excited to see the fruit and veg grow and will love picking their produce! Plant something you know they’ll love, which for us will probably be strawberries and plum tomatoes! You could also plant sunflower seeds together and have a family competition to see who’s grows the tallest.

Feed The Birds
We love making treats for the birds and there are so many low budget ideas you can try. Our favourites are this apple and peanut butter one and a can version, which you can keep toping up. 

Apple coated in peanut butter and bird seed, tied up with string

Your garden will be super popular with the birds and probably a few squirrels too! Let your little one check if the treats have been eaten and help them make fresh ones every few days, even if it’s just something as simple as peanut butter balls coated with bird seed.

Creature Homes
Our toad house has a regular amphibian inhabitant all these years on and our more recent bug house was also popular with the bugs and bees. An upturned pot can easily become a toad or frog home and an empty can or carton and a few twigs, leaves and flowers can welcome bugs and bees.

Cans stacked up together and filled with different items to attract bugs and bees

Help your little ones gather the pieces and build the homes together. They can check the homes on a regular basis for new inhabitants and could even keep a diary of what they spot.

As always, all of these ideas can be done on a low budget and can be created for a couple of pounds. Now, go and enjoy your garden!

Mummy Snowy Owl

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