
Monday, 25 January 2021

Oh Hello 2021!!

We're over half way though January and I'm only just writing a New Years post! This basically sums up how I've been since around this time last year. Unmotivated and a bit behind with everything! A bit lost and not really knowing what I'm doing from one moment to the next.

I need to get back to being more organised, more motivated but with a world that's strange, surreal and not all that happy and friendly right now, it's a bit hard to do. But, I'm going to try my best to get back on track. 

With so many people feeling the same I thought I'd share how I'm going to try and stay on track in 2021 and I've picked the brains of other bloggers to see how they're doing the same.

Pale pink background with 2021 in the centre

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Capturing Your Special Day With Wedding Photo Swap

(Sponsored Post)

Weddings. Remember those? 

Time with family. Fun with friends. Watching those you care about declare their love and commitment to each other. Celebrating with fizz, food and a good boogie. Lots of my happiest memories stem from weddings of family and friends. 

Going from my childhood and skidding across the dance floor and dirtying my bright white socks, much to the disgust of my mother, to my teen years as a bridesmaid, slipping out of sight for a sneaky drink, then up to my own wedding and those of friends, where my shoes are nowhere to be seen and stomach hurts from laughter and too much fun!!

Close up of hands holding an iphone and taking a photo of a bride and her bridesmaids

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Preparing Your Family For A Photoshoot

(Collaborative Post)

Family photoshoots can be a lot of fun. It is an opportunity to capture the dynamics and love in a family and spend some time with the ones you love. It can also be stressful, especially if you have children. The pressure to get good pictures to share and display can dampen the mood of the photoshoot. If you prepare beforehand, you can mitigate some of the stress and enjoy this time with your family.

Professional camera sitting on a table

Monday, 12 October 2020

A Little Bit Of Pampering With Your Massage Clinic


There are two things that I've decided to do more of over the last few months. One is to support more local and independent businesses. The other is to try and take a little time out to pamper myself and have some me time. Something to make me feel a little like my old self.

Pampering yourself at home though, isn't always easy. You have a soak in the bath and someone needs to use the loo. You pop on a face mask on and scare the kids.

So, when a brand new local business, Your Massage Clinic, asked me if I'd like to try a little bit of pampering, I of course said yes and did a little happy dance.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Five Super Tabletop Games To Play During The Pandemic

(Collaborative Post)

The pandemic is here to stay, for the foreseeable, at least. meaning that it's time to think about how to entertain young kids at home for days and weeks on end. There is no sure-fire solution to this age-old dilemma; the best thing you can do is gather together as many ideas, games, and activities as possible, and hope it will be enough. 

Board game laid out with different play pieces on top

Here are five super tabletop games to get you started. 

Monday, 10 August 2020

Scrapbooking Our Summer With Design Bundles

Sponsored Post 

Let's be honest. This year has been a bit of a strange one. The month's have blurred. The days are here and then gone. Somehow it's August already. 

Days out are few and far between. Time with family even less so. 

School's out. Will it be back in September? Who knows? Will we survive another round of homeschooling? Will the kids be able to get back into the swing of things? 

Are there any good memories for the year?? There must be! Right?? 

Little boy wearing sunglasses and holding a soft toy dog