
Monday, 24 February 2020

Celebrating World Book Day With Viking


World Book Day is just around the corner and there’s plenty of ways to join in. Be it dressing up, having a reread of your favourite book or getting crafty or creative, there’s plenty to do!

With this in mind the team at Viking have kindly gifted me a selection of craft items to get creative this World Book Day! There’s a great selection, including card, ink, an always handy Sharpie, letter stamps, a frame and plenty of other bits.

They asked for me to get crafty and create something using my favourite book and the items they provided for World Book Day and that’s exactly what I did with my copy of Peter Pan and Wendy.

Selection of craft ideas including card, ink, an always handy Sharpie, letter stamps, a frame

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Making A Sustainable Change - Glass Jars

Last time with Making A Sustainable Change, I spoke about recycling and how getting to grips with it can make a big difference to the environment and is a great way to get started with making a sustainable change.

Now, I'm going to slim down parts of that and talk about individual items, how to recycle, upcycle or dispose of them in a way that's good for the environment and not too problematic for you.

This time we're looking at glass jars.

Collection of glass jars, all different sizes

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Top Tips For Perfect Family Road Trips

(Collaborative Post)

Are you planning a family road trip? If so, you are probably looking forward to getting away from it all and enjoying the open road stretching out ahead of you. There are so many exciting places to explore and travelling by road is a great way to head off on an adventure. A road trip offers the opportunity to enjoy some beautiful scenery that you may not always get to see.

Before heading off on your road trip, it is essential to make sure that you have everything you need. When taking a road trip with kids ensuring that you have all the essentials with you is even more critical so that everyone can have an enjoyable trip. 

Red toy car with a side door open and a Duplo figure positioned to look like he's opening the boot

Monday, 3 February 2020

Feeling The Love This Valentine's Day With Swizzels


February is finally here (hooray!), and it's time to feel the love as Valentine's Day is just around the corner. There's so much on offer in the shops and online when it comes to Valentine's Day gifts, but it can all be a bit samey! 

The same flowers, toiletries and sexy undies, but if like me you've been married for a while and together since time began, you might find yourself rolling your eyes at all the soppy stuff!! That said us long serving married folk still want a treat! Especially if it's a sweet treat!

Well, Swizzels, can fulfill all your sweet treat dreams with their hampers and Love Heart range.

Flatlay showing a red gift box with Swizzels along the top and packets and a tube of Love Heart

Friday, 31 January 2020

Steak Salad With Schwartz

(Sponsored Post)

Working from home I often find I have the same things for lunch over and over again. The same ham sandwich. The same cheese on toast. The same soup. I've actually had soup so often that I currently can't even look at it, but I do like a warm lunch, especially on winter days. 

Balancing the working from home life though, I don't want to spend ages cooking a hot lunch or tidying up after it! I'm all for something easy and quick but obviously tasty too. A lunch that can be quickly prepped, can be popped in the oven, cooked and come out perfect without being watched constantly. Minimal effort but great taste.

With this in mind I've come up with this easy to make steak salad. It's full of flavour and to be honest I could do with some leaves in my life!!

Large bowl filled with steak salad

Charity Spotlight ~ Mind

Charity is really important to me. As a family we make regular donations to good causes, donate to food banks and give our time and skills to those that may need it. I’ve ran, abseiled, crafted and cut off my hair all for charity.

So, it seemed natural for me to start the Charity Spotlight section on my blog a few years ago. Charities have ranged from well known to small local charities or people needing support. The last year or so hasn’t seen many posts in the charity section but I’m very keen to bring it back. It’s return coincides with something a group of bloggers are doing. We’re teaming up to make monthly donations to 12 different charities over this year and as part of that I’ve promised to bring back the Charity Spotlight feature. This month’s Charity Spotlight is shone in the direction of Mind.

Mind logo