
Wednesday 8 February 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week is a little familiar as it also happens to be our book of the week! Yep, it's The Gruffalo

Gruffalo movie cover

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Is it time to ditch the pushchair?

My little boy is a charming and cheeky two year old.  He’s inquisitive and can be adventurous when the mood takes him. He occasionally has the standard toddler meltdown, although I’m grateful these rarely take place in public. So far there’s been very few throwing himself on the floor, kicking his legs, drawing attention to himself, and in turn me, incidents.

The main cause for that though is not that he’s a complete angel or that I’ve got parenting sussed. It’s because there’s a knight in shining armour or shall we say on wheels? A secure chariot. His pushchair.

Little boy sitting in a pushchair, playing with an oven mitt and laughing

Monday 6 February 2017

Sunday 5 February 2017

Charity Spotlight - The Children's Society

Created over a century ago, The Children's Society, campaigns for a country where children can be free from poverty. Running projects in local communities, they help children and young people that are vulnerable, living in poverty, suffering abuse or neglect and simply have nowhere else to turn.

The Children's Society logo

Saturday 4 February 2017

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Heart Tarts

It's time for another craft but this time I thought I'd give you a cheap and cheerful baking idea. So, here we go........

A plate full of jam tarts with heart tops