
Thursday 23 December 2021

3 Ways To Learn New Things In 2022

(Collaborative Post)

As Christmas creeps ever closer, the New Year is almost upon us.

And with it, an onslaught of New Year’s Resolutions. Losing weight, quitting smoking and saving money are amongst the most common, whilst others may direct their efforts towards finding a new job or moving house.

You might have your sights set on growing new skills to take your career to the next level. Or you may simply be looking to learn something new for your own enjoyment.

Whatever your goals for 2022, the benefits of mastering a new skill, whether for professional growth or a personal hobby, are many. With that in mind, these are just five fantastic opportunities to learn something new this New Year.

Overhead shot of someone sitting at a laptop with a pile of books, notepad

Friday 17 December 2021

Christmas At Wollaton


Christmas is right around the corner and we've been looking to do something a little festive! So many things though have ended up cancelled or availability lessened because of a certain virus doing the rounds.

A couple of the things we did have planned had to be cancelled because of a positive test in our house! Once we were able to roam free again we were keen to get in the Christmas mood!! So when the team behind Christmas at Wollaton contacted us and asked if we'd like to experience their very special Christmas lights there was a big.......YES......from all of us.

A georgian house with a light projection on it

Saturday 4 December 2021

Things May Be Hard Right Now But That Doesn't Make You A Bad Parent

(Collaborative Post)

Parenting is hard. In fact it’s one of the hardest things that you are ever going to do. One of the reasons for this is that you are always wondering if you are doing it right and that on its own is exhausting. Add in kids who are wild and free, couple that with the other things going on in your life and it all becomes a big madness. A madness that you love, but a madness nonetheless. Sometimes, things get particularly difficult. You may find yourself losing your patience a little quicker or not doing as much with your kids as you usually do but we’re going to let you in on a secret and that’s the fact that it’s okay. You are not a bad parent for feeling human emotions.

Outdoor shot showing lower halves of adult and child in outdoor clothes

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Monday 29 November 2021

Understanding Your Child's Curriculum

(Collaborative Post)

Your child will be learning a wide variety of different subjects - from English Language to the importance of Science, the world of Arts and much more, depending on their own personal choices later on down the line. Understanding your child’s curriculum however should be an essential part of your child’s learning journey in order for you to understand how you can help your child with their progress.

Monopoly numbers that read, I am still learning

Sunday 28 November 2021

Exploring Internet Safety with Your Child

(Collaborative Post)

Being safe on the internet is an essential practice for adults and children, but for children it’s a little more of a push that you can give your child towards understanding how to use the internet happily and safely. Here are some top tips, from this girls senior school in Surrey, you can give your child to make sure they’re safe when they’re browsing online.

Games console controller