
Saturday, 4 December 2021

Things May Be Hard Right Now But That Doesn't Make You A Bad Parent

(Collaborative Post)

Parenting is hard. In fact it’s one of the hardest things that you are ever going to do. One of the reasons for this is that you are always wondering if you are doing it right and that on its own is exhausting. Add in kids who are wild and free, couple that with the other things going on in your life and it all becomes a big madness. A madness that you love, but a madness nonetheless. Sometimes, things get particularly difficult. You may find yourself losing your patience a little quicker or not doing as much with your kids as you usually do but we’re going to let you in on a secret and that’s the fact that it’s okay. You are not a bad parent for feeling human emotions.

Outdoor shot showing lower halves of adult and child in outdoor clothes

Stress Is Hard To Manage
Stress is always hard to manage without kids but when you have them it tips it that little bit more. For example, if you are already going through a stressful situation such, maybe your trying to get on top of home and family admin (like home insurance, bills or finding professional social security disability lawyers) or if you are running yourself ragged at work, this is already going to take its toll on you. Then you have your kids as well and whatever else you do. This is a lot for one person or even two people to carry which is why sometimes you just need to set it down. We know that this is easier said than done but if you don’t it is going to crush you under its weight.

We promise you that the world is not going to end if you set down all your stresses for a minute. Give yourself a chance to calm down and then you can approach all of these individual pieces again with a calmer self. You are amazing for doing everything that you do, and you deserve to set the heavy load down for a minute.

Some Days It Becomes Too Much
On some days you are going to be okay. On some days you are going to manage this like a pro and nobody is going to be able to touch you. However, on other days this isn’t going to be the case. On other days you are going to feel as though you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, and you do.

Nobody could possibly blame you for being stressed in a situation like this, so don’t get yourself down about it. We know that you feel bad for snapping a little more but apologise to your children and explain that you are just a little wound up at the moment but that this is not an excuse. Talk calmly and talk openly without giving them too much information that they don’t need. Not only does this help with the situation that you are in right now, but it also means that you are encouraging open and honest communication between you and your kids.

Ask For Help
When you find yourself feeling like this the best thing that you can do is ask for help. Ask your friends and family to come together around you and give you the support that you need. We know it’s not always easy to do this but it will be a big help and you will find yourself feeling calmer not trying to do everything on your own. Trust us when we say that you have got this but that doesn’t mean that you can’t ask for help to make your life that little bit easier.

Some people think that asking for help makes them weak but it doesn’t. It makes you strong because it means that you are able to admit when you need help rather than letting yourself burn out. It’s not easy but it will be okay and things will get better again.

We hope that you have found this article helpful and now see some of the things that you need to understand when things get hard. We know that it feels like it’s going to last forever but we promise you that this is not the case. It doesn’t make you a bad parent because you are finding things particularly tough at the moment, even if that’s what it feels like. The sun will shine again, you’ve just got to wait it out until then. But, if there’s one thing that you should take from this article, it’s that you are enough, even on the days where it feels like you aren’t.

my Snowy Owl

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