
Saturday 11 March 2017

Why I'm Changing My Ways

Health-wise I haven't been right since having Joseph in 2014. After a traumatic birth and a lot of stitches I slowly started to get back to normal or so I thought. At a check up I mentioned to my GP that I'd experienced some stiffening in my joints. She assured me it was nothing to worry about but unfortunately this wasn't the case. 

As the stiffness and joint problems spread over my body it was was joined by fatigue. I was told repeatedly it was nothing to worry about and sent on my way. When my husband had to help me get dressed I decided enough was enough and demanded something be done. This time  I saw a GP who understood and was committed to helping me. After multiple tests and a hospital referral it was discovered that an extreme lack of vitamin D had left me with muscle weakness and a softening of the bones (Osteomalacia) and there was a possibility I also had Fibromyalgia. I was given vitamins and sent on my way. The GP helping me left for another practice.

Emoji with a sick face mask

Thursday 9 March 2017

Surviving the supermarket with a toddler!

When my now two year old was a baby I used to feel sick at the thought of going to the supermarket. I'd be the Mum sweating all the way round the shop from the fear that the baby would wake and worst of all cry.

Now I wish it was as simple as timing a trip to avoid a feed because taking a toddler shopping is a whole different ball game. It takes preparation, bribes and a bit of courage but it is doable.

Here's my tips for surviving the supermarket with a toddler!

Redheaded toddler wearing oversized sunglasses whilst sitting in a supermarket trolley

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week isn't a long one. Movie that is, not the review! At half an hour long its a good one for quiet time and it will be very familiar to many of you.

This week's movie of the week is...............We're Going on a Bear Hunt! 

Why playing in the garden has become our go to activity!

Joseph is fast becoming what many call a 'typical boy'. Shouting, running, bashing, jumping and being a ginger hurricane takes up most of the day. With six nieces it came as a bit of a shock to the system, not just for us but for our family too. 

As he's got more and more active I've been trying to get out more. Overcoming the Mummy anxiety and getting out into the world. Whether it be a trip round a supermarket, meeting friends or a walk round the park with my brother's wife and their dog, we both enjoy getting out more.

A little boy walking in whilst in a winter hat and coat whilst wearing reins

Monday 6 March 2017

Book of the week!

This week's book of the week is The Smartest Giant in Town.

LiveLagom - The journey continues!

Sunday morning was spent revisiting the Ikea Live Lagom project as I was invited along to take part in another workshop, along with the new participants and a few familiar faces.

We had a brief visit into the main store and I was excited to see some of the new room displays. Now, I realise this might be a bit sad to some and yes, I possibly need to get out more, but I love to wander round the rooms. It gives me so many ideas to try at home. I also discovered when taking part on the project last year that each room has a story behind it. There is a profile behind each room layout, whether it be a student, a couple, family or a single person. Each scenario is budgeted so the room will feature items within that budget, with wages, mortgages and rent all taken into consideration! There was me think they just did the room set ups to look nice!

After looking at a very Lagom room we headed into the meeting room where there was refreshments on offer. Our amazing leader, Kerry, did a presentation around the theme of making a cosy home. With that in mind we set about the mornings activity. Making draught excluders!

An Ikea staff member doing a presentation  An Ikea staff member doing a presentation