
Monday, 6 June 2016

Mini Ice Hockey

This a great little activity. It's super cheap and can be used as an indoor rainy day activity or on a sunny day for an outside game! You'll probably have all the things in your cupboard. You just need to decide the night before if you want to do it so you can make the ice.

You will need
  • Large dish or baking tray
  • Tap water
  • Lego/duplo/building blocks
  • Bottle top
  • Spoons
The equipment listed

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Paper Airplane Target Game

Today has been one of those rainy, dull days and to top it off its half term. For many of you this means being stuck indoors with the kids, which can lead to them bouncing off the walls at some point.

Reinforcements are here in the shape of this quick to do craft and game. Hopefully you will have the items needed for the activity in the house.

You will need
  • A large piece of paper - wrapping paper or even newspaper will do
  • Scissors
  • Felt tips 
  • A ruler or items to draw round
  • Tape or Blu-Tack
The equipment listed

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Live Lagom - Living Sustainably - The Final Blog

When we started on this journey back in the autumn I never expected it to change our lives. I was the person that signed up in the hope of saving money and the joy of being given £500 to spend at Ikea! But it has honestly changed our lives. It's changed our house into a home. It's made us more aware of where things come from and if it's from a sustainable source. It's made us recycle more, which I didn't think possible. It's made us declutter, donate and share on. Somehow, it has given me more confidence, more faith in myself and what we, as a family and individuals, are trying to achieve.

Yes, we have saved money and yes, we got to spend £500 but the task the team at Ikea set themselves, to teach about living lagom and sustainability teaches so much more than that. 'Living Lagom' is about living just right. With just enough, not too little or too much. With that comes an awareness of your waste and how wasteful you can be. Our waste was in food and energy.

A selection of ikea products

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Making Toad Hall

Spring has sprung and along with the flowers come the animals. Furry, slimy and feathered, you can spot them all at this time of year.

Why not welcome them into your garden by building them a home. This week we've built a toad house, aptly named Toad Hall!

If you want to make one too here's what you'll need. You shouldn't need to buy anything. We found all our bits lying round the garden.

You will need
  • Plant put
  • Watering can or jug
  • Hand trowel / spade
  • A few weeds
  • Stones 
  • Twigs or small pieces of wood
The equipment needed

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

The reasons why I'm unsure about baby number 2

Within moments of your first born making their arrival the inevitable questions start.

"Will you have another?"
"When will you have another?"

And with the questions comes the 'advice'.

"Don't leave too much of a gap."
"You're pushing 40, don't leave it too long." (I'm 33, you nobhead)

But the thought of having another feels me full of warm fuzzy, motherly feelings and the same amount of dread all at the same time. A friend recently asked me why I wasn't sure and I spilled out a bucket full of reasons.

Baby's feet

Here's the most rational ones.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Cheap Chirp Can Bird Feeder

My latest craft post is the last of our bird feeders. It uses a lot of the same products so if you've done the others you won't need to buy many more materials and if you haven't done the others it is still a cheap craft!

You will need
  • A clean and empty can
  • Finger paints (I got mine on special offer @ B&M for £2.00 but they are currently £2.99)
  • Peanut butter (if you haven't got any from last time it is currently 62p @ Asda, Tesco and Morrisons)
  • Bird seed (69p @ Poundstretcher)
  • A bowl or pot for the paint (I used a paper bowl)
  • A bowl or plate for the bird seed
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Spoon or spatula
  • Bowl of soapy water 
  • Kitchen roll
As with all my crafts don't buy anything you won't use again! If you haven't got paints, use felt tips or maybe the kids have some stickers lying around that you'd like to be used for something other than decorating the house!

The listed equipment and ingredients