
Thursday, 20 January 2022

Helping Your Child Find Their Passion

(Collaborative Post)

While it’s not integral your child finds a hobby to explore, having a passion or big interest in their life will boost a range of skills to allow them to become more developed and happier individuals. It’s not always straightforward, however, as some children can take a while to find what they enjoy and what they’re good at. If you’re struggling, here are some tips this private school in Notting Hill recommends to help your child find their passion.

A kid skateboarding

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

How To Have The Bad News Conversation With Kids

(Collaborative Post)

As we are heading on many journeys in life it can mean that we will invariably start to go through tough times with our children. As much as we try to protect our children and look after ourselves, there will be moments in life when we have to break bad news or we need to find out something about them that may not seem quite right. And this is why it's important that you learn to talk and have a good method of communication with them. But what does it really take to talk to your children about the big issues?

Teddy bear sitting in a rainy window

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Helping Your Child Develop Their Vocabulary

(Collaborative Post)

Vocabulary will be the way your child works on their speech, how to construct sentences and how to build on their English Language skills. It’s also an essential way of allowing children to pick up new phrases, support others and develop their communication skills. So how can we help our children with their vocab? Here are some top tips from a private nursery in London.

Child's hands playing with a tablet

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Making Your Kids Bedroom As Comfortable As Possible

(Collaborative Post)

One of the things that you have got to do as a parent is ensure that your kids have a comfortable room. 

A little space to call their own, that makes them feel safe and secure. Their room is their personal space, and you need to make sure that it is the best that it can possibly be. 

Here are a few things to consider when decorating your child''s bedroom and making it homely for them. 

Children's room double bed made up with cushions and wall art in the background

Thursday, 6 January 2022

The Importance Of Pastoral Care In Schools

(Collaborative Post)

Pastoral care is a feature seen more in private schools, colleges and academies, but it’s also a hugely beneficial system employed in schools to ensure the protection and safety of pupils. In layman’s terms, pastoral care ensures the health and wellbeing of students in school and how they can be supported through their academic pursuits.

This private school in Middlesex has put together some reasons why pastoral care is hugely important for schools to provide for its students.

Children's hands doing school work

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

How To Raise A Resilient Child

(Collaborative Post)

When it comes to preparing children for the world that’s ready to be explored, they need to have a general understanding of what could come their way and how to react when problems occur. This is known as resilience training - showing children how to tackle difficult situations and face adversity that happens in front of them.

From a young age the concept is going to be alien to them, but even when your child’s a toddler they’re able to understand the importance of resilience through play, having fun with friends and when they get to nursery and starting school. Here are some tips to build resilience in your child from this prep school in East Sussex.

Children's feet jumping in very muddy puddles