
Friday, 21 May 2021

4 Simple Ways To Update The Look Of Your Living Room

(Collaborative Post)

The living room is one of the most important rooms in your house. In addition to welcoming and entertaining your guests, it shows your style and taste to anyone who visits your home. If you are planning to improve the look of your home, it would be a great idea to start with this room.

Kermit the frog toy sitting on a sofa with a book case to the right of it

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Snacking Health with Love Corn


Raise your hand if you've gone a little snack crazy during lockdown?? Treats getting a little bit samey during these COVID times?

Well, there's something new to try!! Love Corn is a brand new snack on the scene and we've given it a review, plus there's a giveaway too!

Flat lay showing corn snacks laid out next to their packets

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Self-Care Ideas For Busy Parents By Guest Blogger Merry Sari

It’s necessary for busy parents to take breaks from the hustle and bustle of life — to pause and recharge.

When I talk about self-care tips for busy parents, it can mean something different to each individual, but the whole family benefits when parents take care of themselves. Especially during the current situation. Consider making your mental, physical and emotional well-being a priority this year.

Mother in a field holding her two sons

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

How To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

  (Collaborative Post)

The conversation around energy is getting more and more popular by the day. With the world’s rising demand for energy, sustainability is at the top of the agenda. Energy companies look for ways to produce cleaner and more efficient energy, but for us it can be little changes to reduce our energy use and bills. Are you wanting to make your home more energy efficient? 

Here's how...............

Sunset with a woman holding up fairy lights in the foreground

Friday, 19 March 2021

Tidy Home - Keeping Your Water Clean & Healthy

(Collaborative Post)

Running water is a day to day utility that we probably take a little for granted. For many of us we use it without a second thought, but we need to remember that its a luxury that not everyone happens to have. Whether a luxury or an essential, just like with other utilities there can be problems. Here are a few of the most common ones.

Black tap with water running it from it

Thursday, 18 March 2021

10 Creative Lockdown Activities

(Sponsored Posts)

This time last year the UK was entering it's first lockdown and now we sit in our third. It's been a hard slog for many of us. Many of us started with a huge amount of good intentions.  

Long walks. Healthy eating. Reading. A creative activity here and there. Then, well, we got bored. It got a bit repetitive. A bit samey. We started running out of ideas. 

As we continue into lockdown I've put together a list of 10 Creative Lockdown Activities for you to try. Some are for kids. Some are for grownups. There's a bit of something for everyone. 

A wooden rainbow display sitting on a shelf