
Monday 12 October 2020

A Little Bit Of Pampering With Your Massage Clinic


There are two things that I've decided to do more of over the last few months. One is to support more local and independent businesses. The other is to try and take a little time out to pamper myself and have some me time. Something to make me feel a little like my old self.

Pampering yourself at home though, isn't always easy. You have a soak in the bath and someone needs to use the loo. You pop on a face mask on and scare the kids.

So, when a brand new local business, Your Massage Clinic, asked me if I'd like to try a little bit of pampering, I of course said yes and did a little happy dance.

Friday 25 September 2020

Five Super Tabletop Games To Play During The Pandemic

(Collaborative Post)

The pandemic is here to stay, for the foreseeable, at least. meaning that it's time to think about how to entertain young kids at home for days and weeks on end. There is no sure-fire solution to this age-old dilemma; the best thing you can do is gather together as many ideas, games, and activities as possible, and hope it will be enough. 

Board game laid out with different play pieces on top

Here are five super tabletop games to get you started. 

Monday 10 August 2020

Scrapbooking Our Summer With Design Bundles

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Let's be honest. This year has been a bit of a strange one. The month's have blurred. The days are here and then gone. Somehow it's August already. 

Days out are few and far between. Time with family even less so. 

School's out. Will it be back in September? Who knows? Will we survive another round of homeschooling? Will the kids be able to get back into the swing of things? 

Are there any good memories for the year?? There must be! Right?? 

Little boy wearing sunglasses and holding a soft toy dog

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Getting Organsied With Design Bundles

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Raise your hand if your routine has gone out of the window since we've all been spending more time inside and at home!!! I know ours has!!! We've gradually slept in later, fallen behind with homeschooling, had late dinners, even later bedtimes and just got a bit lax with EVERYTHING!!! This coupled with little sleep and the stresses that we all face on a day to day basis, and all heightened under the current climate, I barely know what I'm doing from one day to the next and that's even if I know what day it is!! So, it's time to get my house in order, as well as my mind, my cupboards and just about everything else going!! 

Flat lay picture showing a diary pens and a daily planner

Monday 22 June 2020

How To Live A More Energy Efficient Life

(Collaborative Post)

We all look for ways to be more energy efficient and save money in our daily lives, which can include making changes to how we use and buy things. But, it’s also worth taking a closer look at how we get the energy that we’re using in the first place. Many of us are already aware of the reasons that we should be reducing our energy use in our lives, but what are the steps we can take towards actually getting it done?

Field of sunflowers with a wind turbine in the background

Monday 27 April 2020

A 14 Things To Consider When Adding Extension To Your Home

(Collaborative Post) 

Regular readers will know I love a bit of DIY. A couple of years ago we made some changes to our home and, like many, the constant of being indoors lately has left me wandering around the house, wondering what we can change.

The next thing would be an extension but I'm currently unsure if that would work with our home set up, layout and outdoor space, but I know from research and those that have already have extensions that there's a lot to do and a lot to decide on when extending your house

So, I've stuck it all together and here's...........14 things to consider when adding an extension to your home.

A house with a large driveway and garage