
Monday, 7 January 2019

January Giveaway!

January's giveaway is here and this time its a selection of Deep Freeze goodies.

Designed for muscle and joint pain, sprains and strains, Deep Freeze provides pain relief combined with cold therapy.

Flatlay of Deep Freeze bundle

Friday, 4 January 2019

There's Nothing Wrong With A New Year's Resolution

So, it's a brand new year and lots of people see this time as a chance for change. Whether it be to eat healthier, exercise regularly, read more or spend less, it can be the fresh start that many of us want or need.

Flatlay showing a Mary Poppins diary, a January calendar, a book marked dream big, a pen and two small cards with one saying This Week and the other January

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Goodbye December...........and 2018!!!

Wow! December, Christmas and New Year have been and gone! Whisked by in a blink of an eye! So, it's time to say goodbye to December.

Just like everyone else December was a busy month for us but following the very busy, and somewhat stressful, October and November I just about managed to stay on top of things. Steadily getting organised and prepping for Christmas since the summer definitely paid off, especially when it came to the cost!

With family parties, time with friends and the all in important visit to Santa, we found ourselves with something to do every weekend.

Little boy dressed in winter clothes next to a sign post pointing to the North Pole

Sunday, 30 December 2018

What To Do With Unwanted Christmas Gifts

Christmas has gone and we've rolled into a brand new year. Maybe you're back at work, maybe you've taken your tree down or maybe your still plodding along in a festive bubble! Either way it's time to start getting things back to normal.

Put away decorations, eat the last of the chocolates and tidy away presents, but what if you've got some unwanted gifts? Items that aren't to your taste, are the wrong size or something you have already?

Christmas gifts wrapped with white and gold paper and ribbons

Friday, 28 December 2018

Simple Ways To Upgrade Your Home

Collaborative Post

When it comes to renovating your home you may think it's something that needs to be delayed and saved up for but the good news is that not all renovations have to cost a lot of money.

Of course there are bigger things that definitely will cost more but if you're simply looking to give your home a bit of a refreshing and want to change things up a bit it doesn't have to cost a lot. As long as you budget and approach it in the right way there are simple things you can do that will make a massive impact. 

Pretty house behind a white picket fence

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

5 Things To Make With Turkey Leftovers!

Christmas is over and you're probably full to the brim with food but if like us you've got leftovers in the fridge this post is to give you a few ideas on how to use up the last few slices of turkey!

Cooked turkey in its roasting tray