
Thursday, 27 April 2017

Movie of the week!

This week's movie of the week, unlike most of our previous ones, is a current, still at the cinema movie! It also involved Joseph's first trip to the cinema!

This week's movie of the week is Peppa Pig: My First Cinema Experience! 

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Where did my mojo go go?

It's been over two weeks since my last blog. The reason being that I seem to have run out of ideas. Don't get me wrong, I have always been indecisive but lately its gone to a whole new level. What to craft, what to write about and even what to have for tea and which loo roll to buy have been a struggle.

Unable to decide on what to write and with no creative juices following I've struggled to blog. Part of me has wanted to stop altogether. So, when the time came for me to submit my monthly post to I faulted. No idea what to write and basically no ideas. I emailed the lovely Sally over at MeetOtherMums and explained how I felt, apologising for the lack of post this month.

A blank lined notepad with a pencil sharpened on the page

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Easter Wreath

Have your children started their Easter break? Want a craft to fill the time? Do you want to decorate for Easter? Well, if you liked the Easter Bunting you'll love this too! 

Completed Easter wreath hanging on a wooden door

Thursday, 6 April 2017

What to do when there's nothing to do.

We've all been there. It's raining. Pay day is further away than you'd like. You're stuck inside with the kid(s) and there's no escape. Need to hurry the time along? Try one of my something to do when there's nothing to do ideas!

Make a den – Sheets, sofas and cushions can create all manner of adventures and hideouts!

Bake and cook – Check what you have in the fridge and cupboards. You might have enough to whip up a batch of fairy cakes or jam tarts

Plate of jam tarts with heart tops

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Movie of the week!

The greatest stories are told, retold and told again. Albeit a children's film this week's movie of the week is based upon a Shakespearean tale of two star-crossed lovers.

This week's movie of the week is Gnomeo and Juliet!