
Tuesday 26 March 2019

Getting Mother's Day Crafty With Stampin' Up


Mother's Day is just around the corner and if you're the crafty kind that's lots to craft and make. With cards, scrapbooks or a piece of artwork by the kids, there's lots to try.

But if you're wanting to try something new and take your crafting up a notch, stamping is an easy route to take. My mother in law is a big stamper and card maker and has a room full of supplies and although I've scrapbooked with her before, I've never made cards.

With a gifted bundle from Stampin' Up I've been able to get creative and make some cute little cards for Mother's Day.

Flatlay of stamps, pens, handmade cards

Friday 22 March 2019

5 Things You Need To Battle The Chickenpox

Disclaimer - I'm just a mum trying her best and am in no shape or form a medical professional. If you're concerned about your child's health please seek professional medical advice.

It'll be no surprise to those of you that follow me on Instagram that my latest blog post is about chickenpox!!

Just over a week ago we spotted the first few spots on JJ as we started to get ready for his friend's birthday party. As the afternoon went on there were more and more and soon enough they were everywhere! We had a really scary experience with JJ a few months ago were his temperature was out of control and he was monitored through the night by a GP via the 111 service and was very nearly admitted to hospital. With this in mind I was keen to get things under control and keep him as well as possible.

Using advice from the NHS website and from those that had recently had it themselves or children had, we complied our essentials for battling chickenpox.

Flatlay showing porridge oats, calamine lotion, calpol, lego magazine and dvd and a pair of socks

Wednesday 20 March 2019

How To Get Your Home Ready For Spring

Collaborative Post

Spring is here and it is at this time of year when we start to think about a big spring clean or making some home improvements.  

White jug filled with tulips with some laid along side it

Monday 18 March 2019

March Giveaway!

It's a new month so it's time for a new giveaway! 

The team at Danilo have kindly gifted this month's prize, a Peppa Pig calendar from their My First Calendar range. 

Flatlay of children's calendar

Sunday 17 March 2019

My First Calendar


Since starting school back in September, JJ has become a little obsessed with the days of the week. Is it P.E. today? Is it the weekend yet? What day is scooter day? But when is Friday? We seem to have the same conversations everyday about where we are in the week, and then there's the seasons! When is it summer? Is it warm enough for shorts? It goes on and on!

So, when I heard Danilo had created My First Calendar range to help little ones get to grips with the days of the week, months and seasons, I was extremely excited! Could this bring the end of the what day is it and what are we doing today questions?!!

Wednesday 13 March 2019


Gifted Trip

Trampolining parks are quickly growing in popularity and are a great place for kids to burn off some energy! Having never had a trip to a trampoline park, we were excited when RedKangaroo invited us for a bounce at their Nottingham branch.

Outside of a warehouse type building with the signage 'red kangaroo'