
Thursday 6 October 2016

Eden's Semilla Oils


Since being given a mix of essential oils post-birth by a hospital midwife I've been both intrigued and more open to using them. Having already used Eden Semilla's Jojoba Oil I took a look at what else they had to offer.

Row on mini oil bottles laid out

Monday 3 October 2016

Lakeland Maze Farm Park

Those of you that look at my Instagram will know that we have been away on holiday for the last week to the glorious, yet very wet, Lake District.

We've been out and about and visited lots of different places with the little dude in tow. The first, found after a basic 'things to do with kids in the lake district' google search, was the fab Lakeland Maze Farm Park.

Lakeland logo

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Charity Spotlight - Sienna's Journey

I first came across Sienna's Journey via a Facebook post shared by an old school friend. The post, a heartbreaking story of a poorly little girl brought tears to my eyes. I soon discovered that my friend that shared the post, Sarah, was related to the little girl and that Sienna was Sarah's niece.

I have followed Sienna's Journey since that moment and want to share her story with you. So, this month's charity spotlight is shining on Sienna's Journey.

Little girl holding a teddy

Wednesday 21 September 2016

How Do They Do It?

First, let me say this post is not meant to be patronising in anyway whatsoever. I simply want to share a realization I have had over the last few weeks. A realization followed by admiration.

Let me set the scene. It's Sunday morning and babs is shouting from his cot. He is clearly not happy. There's what sounds like proper crying, not the pretend I want to eat biscuits and watch bloody Peppa kind, the proper kind and as hubs soon discovers there's a good cause. A lumpy, sicky cause. Yes, there's sick in the bed.

A little boy curled up on the sofa with a blanket

Wednesday 14 September 2016

It's Not Too Late To Plan Early!

The children are back at school and in-between the hot September days autumn is starting to draw in.

All of this can only mean one thing...........................................

Elf shouting Santaaaaaaaaaaa

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Why You Shouldn't Frown On 'Hand Me Downs'!!

When I discovered I was finally pregnant I quickly set about making a list of the things I needed and wanted for our little bean. When I started to add up the cost I felt a bit sick and it wasn't just morning sickness or too many ginger biscuits! As our pregnancy news spread the offers of secondhand items started to flood in but I didn't know how I felt about it. We'd waited so long I wanted as many shiny new things as possible. I spent ages searching the internet looking for the best deals for everything from cots to clothes. It was simple though. We just couldn't afford it all and we needed to consider accepting the hand me downs and secondhand items being offered to us.

Baby standing in a cotbed