Well, it's been a while hasn't it?
I've been thinking about this post for a little while now, how to start it and what to say and as I start typing I'm still not really sure.
So here it goes.......
Back in 2020 and with the start of the pandemic, I felt a little lost. Just before the outbreak, I'd taken a small part-time job at my son's school and spent a lot of time volunteering there. As Covid began to spread, like for many, our lives changed.
Homeschooling was the new norm. And as a 'crafty mum' I honestly thought I'd got it covered. I was very, very wrong. I may have well had the tools but I definitely didn't have the coperation of a certain small person. It was hard and it was a damn struggle.
Mentally, physically, emotionally, I was drained.
Blogging was my source of income and as the panic and uncertainty of the pandemic spread the work dried up. Brands worked less with smaller bloggers (from my experience at least) and I felt very lost.
As the months went by I became more frazzled with the homeschooling situation and desperately worried about our financial situation.
My husband, remained at work on reduced hours. As a mechanic, he and one other from their usually bustling team continued to work to keep key workers on the road. I insisted on him stripping off everytime he entered the house. The panic was real and my anxiety grew.
My parents were forced to shield early on and my usually social mother struggled, and didn't always understand social distancing (the actual length), or at least pretended not to. My sisters 50th passed without celebration, although knowing my sister she probably didn't mind that at all!! Big celebrations were missed, Christmas was restricted, and friends and family members were lost.
In to 2021, and soon enough we found ourselves two days away from the food bank. A service I had often donated to, I was now googling how to use.
Believing in the fate of the universe I attempted a more positive attitude. Repeatedly telling myself that things would get better.
A couple of days later, I saw a post in a Facebook group I had been in for a while but hadn't been massively active in during Covid. The group belonged to Jess Cunningham, former finalist on The Apprentice. At this point I'd know Jess a couple of years and had been one of her clients. Her guidance and advice helping me grow my blog and put myself out there more.
Jess' approach was very different to anyone I had come across back then. As part of growing your business, blog or whatever it is you do, she gets you to do the work around what is actually holding you back. She mentioned in a video in the group that she was looking for someone to help with content creation and social media, so I took the plunge and messaged her. Everything changed.
Working with Jess has been a whirlwind and her incredible healing modality Belief Coding® changes lives every single day and has been sponsor at events like Fearne Cotton's Happy Place, as well as Flackstock, an event held in memory of Caroline Flack to raise awareness and open up conversation around mental health.
It has been life changing and her taking a chance on me has well and truly changed my life and that of those near to me. I have made friends for life, had some incredible experiences and done a whole tonne of healing.
And now, things change again.
As life changes and growth comes, so do things for me and my family. How I balance things and how I split my time needs some revision, so here I am.
You'll be seeing much more of me here. They'll be more of the usual crafts, money saving tips, days out and A Very Snowy Christmas will also return, helping you all get organised early on for a very chilled and organised Christmas.
Thank you for reading. I'll be very back soon.
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