
Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Gruffalo's Day Out

From the usual scrolling of social media I discovered that there's currently something afoot in the deep dark words, as adventures are lurking and there's Gruffalos to be found!

Screenshot of the Gruffalo app showing the gruffalo in a woodland

After a quick Google search I discovered the Forestry Commission website and before we knew it Daddy had downloaded the Gruffalo Spotter app, I'd done a packed lunch and we were on our way to Sherwood Pines with our two year old, Joseph!

Bag showing a packed lunch

Like many Forestry Commission sites Sherwood Pines is free to enter, with a reasonable charge for parking. When we arrived the forest was a hive of activity, with people on bikes, scooters and even horses! The latter causing Joseph to declare he NEEDS to ride a horse! 

Daddy soon spotted the start of the trail and along with his phone and the app we followed the signs into the wood.

Little boy walking on a sandy path

We soon found the route and as we followed the path we discovered the first clues. There's points to look through, pictures and wheels to turn to find out which character you're looking for. 

Little boy peeking through a sign that says 'who can you spot?'

A sign showing part of a mouse pointing

A little boy playing with spinning wheel on a sign

The trail features each of the characters, starting with Mouse and then Fox, Owl, Snake and then of course the Gruffalo. 

A sign that says 'you've found owl'  A sign that says you've found snake

As you find each one there is a footprint to view through the app. 

Little boy with his hands on his hops next to a footprint sign

This is where things get pretty cool and an animation of the character appears on your screen. 

Little boy looking at the gruffalo app on his Daddy's phone

Once its finished there's a chance to take a photo, which not only shows the character but you alongside it! Here's when we met Mouse, Fox, Owl, Snake and the Gruffalo.

Screenshot of the app showing Mummy, son and Mouse from the Gruffalo

Screenshot of app showing Mummy, son and Fox from the Gruffalo

Screen shot showing Mummy, son and Owl from the Gruffalo

Screenshot showing Mummy, son and Snake from the Gruffalo

Screenshot of the Gruffalo

Joseph enjoyed our little adventure but he was definitely ready for his picnic by the end, as well as a power nap on the way home!

Little boy sitting in a tree stump

Little boy and Daddy having a picnic

Little boy asleep in his car seat

If you fancy being a Gruffalo Spotter, take a look at the Forestry Commission website here.


Mummy Snowy Owl

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Very cool - the FC do amazing family stuff and their conservation efforts are top notch too. I like to know that my car park fees are going to the protection of our countryside. #dreamteam

  3. Yay! We love Sherwood Pines! We only live around 50 mins away and we visit there quite often. I'm ashamed to say that we've never tried the photo app though? That looks incredible! We'll be trying that next time we go and we'll keep an eye out for you hehe. Thanks for joining in with #DreamTeam lovely x

    1. Ooooo you're near me!!
      Thanks for stopping by xx

  4. This has been on my list to do and we really must get round to doing it. We did the stickman one last year and my girls loved it. Looks like a fab day out. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  5. This is on our to do list, it looks so much fun! Fab photos x

  6. We love our local Gruffalo trail and I've been meaning to revisit for ages since they brought the app out - it looks wonderful! Such a great and cheap day out! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  7. Great way to get the little ones to enjoy some fresh air!
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes :)

    1. Definitely! We love a bit of fresh air! Thanks for stopping by!
