
Monday, 4 February 2013

I'm back!!!!!

So, after lots of 'are you still blogging?', 'when's your next blog?' etc.....I'm back by popular demand!!!!

It's been over six months since my last blog and I've had so much going on I've not taken the time to blog but now I've purposely made time and promise to do so in the future.
So, what has been taking up my time? Firstly I turned 30!! Part of me wasn't bothered, part of me really was bothered!! After much debating I celebrated by having a meal with the family and it was great to get my Mum and Dad, all the siblings and their children together. My two oldest nieces spoilt their old aunty with a pair of lovely balloons! I also went late night, glow in the dark, UV bowling with my dear husband and a close group of friends! They also spoilt me with pressies and a gorgeous chocolate cake. Like the responsible adult I am I got so drunk I could barely get up the stairs to bed and was quite poorly through the night and into the next day. Not the correct behaviour for a 30 year old! I think my liver and kidneys are still recovering and I've not had a proper drink since! I was also spoilt by my lovely work colleagues who not only got me gifts but also made a big fuss of me and decorated my desk and even put up posters around the office, just to be sure nobody missed that I was turning 30!! All the fuss made the whole issue of turning 30 much easier to deal with.

On the baby front there has been some, although small, developments. I did Weight Watchers for a while and was given some tablets to help with the weight loss and after that I've been doing Slimming World. I've lost over a stone and a half and am now much nearer to my goal, within a few pounds in fact, and when we get there we can start our treatment. As much as this fills me with excitement it also fills me with nerves. I've had to go back to my GP repeatedly over the last few months as my periods have got worse and worse again. Another pair of M&S undies ruined! The pain has been so bad at times I've almost passed out. I've had sleepless nights, nausea, and pain, not only when Aunt Flo visits but constantly through the month around my hip area. Some days it hurts to walk. My hormones are all over the place, I cry at adverts and use the wrong words all the time (my work colleagues with confirm the later after our Easter cake conversation!!). My fear is that my endometriosis may have got worse and I may have to have another lap and dye or something even more serious. The situation with the bleeding got so bad that my dear Mother was about to march me into A&E, although the state I was in she'd have had to have carried me! In the end, after two appointments and after much complaining to my GP, I was given some medication to slow the bleeding. Unfortunately my GP seemed unsure if I could have it or not when I questioned it's affect on my endo. With nowhere else to turn I felt forced to contact the hospital for advice and luckily they were happy to help. They also made me an appointment to see the consultant again. Sadly, due to him being ill my appointment a few weeks ago was cancelled and my new one is tomorrow. I can't help but worry that there's something else wrong. Think of me tomorrow afternoon, as I got poked and probed again!

I don't expect to get much sleep tonight. I've cleaned the house from top to bottom to try and take my mind of it. If I start ironing it's time to worry!!

Anyway, on a lighter note I've been further amazed by how many people actually read my little blog! I've even had views as far away as Russia!  So please continue to share, forward and spread the word!

I promise to be back again soon.


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