
Showing posts with label CHARITY SPOTLIGHT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHARITY SPOTLIGHT. Show all posts

Sunday 15 January 2017

Charity Spotlight Update - Heidi Luckraft / Dazzle

Back in October I featured Heidi as my charity of the month as part of my Charity Spotlight blogs. 

Battling Lyme Disease, her and her family were, and still are, desperate to raise funds for her treatment abroad.

Heidi lays ill in a hospital bed

Sunday 16 October 2016

Charity Spotlight - Heidi Luckraft / Dazzle

I first met Heidi a few years ago via Brownies. Working as a children's entertainer alongside her husband, she had been recommended to us by other groups as well as my sister in law. As a change to our usual Christmas party we made a booking and we weren't disappointed.

A photo of smiling woman

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Charity Spotlight - Sienna's Journey

I first came across Sienna's Journey via a Facebook post shared by an old school friend. The post, a heartbreaking story of a poorly little girl brought tears to my eyes. I soon discovered that my friend that shared the post, Sarah, was related to the little girl and that Sienna was Sarah's niece.

I have followed Sienna's Journey since that moment and want to share her story with you. So, this month's charity spotlight is shining on Sienna's Journey.

Little girl holding a teddy

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Charity Spotlight - Little Princess Trust

Little Princess Trust logo

This month's charity is the amazing Little Princess Trust.

As those that regularly read my blog will know over the last year we've been part of a special project with Ikea to live a more sustainable life. Making us rethink our waste and how we live, it has made us review how we look and live life. After a morning at the hairdressers I started to think about what happened to the waste hair and mentioned it to my hairdresser. She mentioned that there are places that you can donate it to but it has to be cut properly and you can't use the sweepings off the floor!

So, when I got home I did some googling and found the charity, Little Princess Trust.

The charity provide real hair wigs to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have lost their own hair through cancer treatment. The wigs are given to the children completely free of charge. The charity also provide wigs to children suffering with illnesses such as alopecia.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Charity Spotlight - Smalls For All

As part of my promise to blog more I'm going to do one a month about a charity I'm supporting and shining the spotlight on.

This month its...........................Small for All!!!

Smalls for All logo